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Bison 'Thunder' by crowd of panicky Yellowstone tourists

    Last week we had images with Bizon who stamped a snow coach in Yellowstone National Park, while tourists watched with increased concern.

    To their relief, the bison navigated without incidents around the vehicle.

    On Monday, photographer Jeff Vanuga shared an image with the aftermath of a Bison -Stormloop that caused a panic among tourists who resisted their vehicles that observed a wolf cord.

    Vanuga described the scene via Instagram:

    “After Wolves had taken a Bison Cow 100 'under the road, the herd came to where everyone observed the murder. Seconds later, a rush with Bison followed that ran directly to the crowd.

    “Everyone ran and spread when the bizon thundered through people, snow coaches and snowmobile. Fortunately, nobody was injured and after I got out of the way, I succeeded in a few pictures of the last bizon that woven through the crowd. A morning filled with adrenaline! “

    The wolves that the Bison cow killed belonged to the Wapiti package, which uses a wide stretch of territory, including the northern range in the winter.

    Wolves collects Bison Cow in Yellowstone National Park. Photo: © Jeff Vanuga

    Wolves collects Bison Cow in Yellowstone National Park. Photo: © Jeff Vanuga

    Yellowstone is the home base of almost 5,000 bison, who have to contend with wolves in the winter, wolves and grizzly bears in the spring and summer.

    Bison, who can weigh 2,000 pounds, often uses roads for simpler living work traffic. This brings them into close contact with tourists.

    According to the park, Bison can reach speeds of 30 km / h, so Stampedes are great and sometimes moving glasses.

    This article originally appeared for the victory: Bison 'Thunder' via Crowd of Panicked Yellowstone Tourists