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Are you financially better off than five or ten years ago? We want to hear about it.

    The economic report is full of gloom, injustice and disaster. Gas prices have skyrocketed. Inflation is back after a 40-year nap. Becoming a homeowner is impossible for many tenants. Service workers faced perils during Covid for which they were not adequately compensated, while the top 1 percent were lavishly rewarded.

    All true. But for many middle-class Americans, the past 10 years have also been unusually good times.

    We’re not talking about people who have invested in Bitcoin, worked for a very successful start-up, or bet the farm on Tesla or Apple stock. This is a more modest but wider success: Homeowners are seeing the value of their homes rise. Workers get better-paid jobs in a tight labor market. Retirement accounts are rising in value thanks to rising stock market.

    The New York Times reports a story about those who think they are doing well financially, even though they may also have concerns about what could happen tomorrow. If you belong to this group – however you define ‘doing good’ in your personal situation – we would like to hear how it has affected your life.

    We will not publish your name with your submission without first contacting you. We may use your contact details to contact you.