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Are You a Workaholic? Here's How to Recognize the Signs

    Man working late in dimly lit workspace in dark office space

    Enlarge (Photo: Bill Varie/Getty Images)

    An accountant filling out spreadsheets on the beach, a dog groomer who always has time for an extra client, a basketball player who scores free throws until he is exhausted.

    Every profession has its share of hard chargers and overachievers. But for some workers—perhaps more than ever in our always-on, always-connected world—the urge to send one more email, trim one more poodle, take one more shot becomes all-consuming.

    Workaholism is a common feature of the modern workplace. A recent study of its pervasiveness across occupations and cultures found that approximately 15 percent of employees are considered workaholics. That equates to millions of overworked workers around the world who don’t know when, how, or why to stop.

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