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Annie’s Mac and Cheese Vs Kraft

    If you enjoy both Annie’s mac & cheese and Kraft mac & cheese, you may be wondering which is best. This is a common question as people cannot decide between Annie’s mac & cheese vs Kraft.

    Boxed mac & cheese is very popular in the US and is something that many people grew up eating. It is very convenient as everything you need to make mac & cheese is ready to go in one package.

    Though this doesn’t come close to comparing to homemade mac & cheese, it is a great option for the majority of people. Especially since there are so many different kinds of mac & cheese brands to choose from.

    Though they aren’t all going to offer the same quality, so you may want to do your research before buying a brand. Keep reading to find out whether or not Annie’s mac & cheese vs Kraft is the better option and which is healthier.

    Kraft Vs Annie’s Mac and Cheese

    When it comes to Annie’s mac & cheese vs Kraft, it seems as though Kraft is the preferred brand of mac & cheese. This mostly has to do with the fact that customers trust this brand and have eaten it for much longer than Annie’s.

    Kraft mac & cheese has been around for a very long time and is widely recognized for its mac & cheese boxes. Many people grew up eating this mac & cheese and associate it with all of those nostalgic memories.

    Though Annie’s mac & cheese is delicious and is very similar to Kraft mac & cheese, it doesn’t seem to be quite as popular. Despite still being a very popular option, most people seem to reach for Kraft mac & cheese.

    Because of this, Kraft definitely wins when it comes to popularity as it is more commonly reached for. But that doesn’t mean that Annie’s isn’t just as good of an option, as both are very popular and very trustworthy brands.


    Many people would agree that Kraft mac & cheese is definitely the cheesiest boxed mac & cheese they have tried. It is known for being extremely cheesy and flavorful and offering you that creaminess that you are looking for.

    Despite the fact that many enjoy the bold taste of kraft mac & cheese, many have described it as tasting artificial. Some people actually like this as it only has the nostalgic feel that they have about this mac & cheese.

    But for those looking for a real-tasting mac & cheese, this may fall short as it isn’t going to taste very natural. Kraft is also considered to be a cheaper mac & cheese option compared to Annie’s, as Annie’s is usually priced about $.50 higher.


    When compared to Kraft mac & cheese, Annie’s provided a more homemade flavor that was mild and creamy. Many people enjoy this as it does not have as artificial a flavor and doesn’t hit you in the face with cheddar.

    Though Annie’s can taste quite bland in comparison due to it not being as flavorful. So it may not be the right fit for people who like big and bold mac & cheese flavors like Kraft offers.

    Both Annie’s and Kraft mac & cheese have very similar ingredients, but Annie’s definitely wins when it comes to more natural ingredients. It offers healthier ingredients that are going to provide a better overall result.

    Is Annie’s or Kraft Mac and Cheese Healthier?

    When it comes to actual nutritional information for Annie’s and Kraft mac & cheese, it is hard to pick the healthiest option. You may assume that Annie’s is healthier because of the ingredients, but the nutritional information begs to differ.

    Both Annie’s and Kraft have very similar nutritional information per cup of cooked mac & cheese. With Annie’s has a little bit more overall fat and calories per cup of mac & cheese when compared to Kraft.

    Baked mac and cheese

    It has twice as much saturated fat, but both Annie’s and Kraft mac & cheese have the same amount of protein per serving. Kraft mac & cheese has much more sodium, but Annie’s has much more cholesterol.

    So there is really no way to pick one of these options that is healthier than the other. As they are both considered to be equally unhealthy as neither one really stands out when it comes to the nutritional information.

    Because of this, these should be considered to be treats and not necessarily a daily kind of meal. Neither one are a healthy meal option though they are perfectly fine when enjoyed sparingly.

    Final Thoughts

    Annie’s mac & cheese and Kraft mac & cheese are very similar and are often compared by customers looking for the best brand. But it does seem as though the majority of customers reach for Kraft over Annie’s

    This mostly has to do with the fact that Kraft mac & cheese has been around for longer and is a very nostalgic product for many. It also has a much stronger cheesy flavor, really satisfying those cheesy cravings that you may have.