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After Elon Musk promised that cyber trucks could function as boats, one fell in a harbor for a perfect test

    Cybertrucks can really do it all. The extensive electric pick-ups can produce in an instant fire, excel in collecting waste and it is even known that they throw body panels for outings in binding style.

    Are they also amphibious? In an off-the-manchet pole during the run-up to the launch of the vehicle, Tesla promised CEO Elon Musk that “Cybertrucks will be watertight enough to serve briefly as a boat, so that the rivers, lakes and even seas can cross that are not too shocky.”

    Now we have a perfect test for Musk's bombastic claims. During a failed Jetski launch, a Ventura, Californian man accidentally threw his luxury truck in reverse, a slope rolled off and in the cold water of the harbor.

    Did the vehicle thrive like a water layer, as Musk would believe? No: the driver achieved well, but his appreciated cyber truck ended with water.

    The recovery effort even pulled the Ventura fire brigade, the harbor patrol, coast guard and California Department of Fish and Wildlife, together with a tugboat company and a Tesla engineer.

    Because the cyber truck has never been tested by the National Highway Safety Administration, the risks that are supplied with the truck's own battery are virtually unknown. For fear of a battery fire, the responders took their sweet time to discuss how they could pull the EV out without risking further damage to the port.

    “We deliberately did not rush in the reaction to allow and take care of all possible dangers Ventura County Star.

    After marinating in the ocean for at least two hours, the now baking cyber truck was pulled out of the water without incidents.

    Although Tesla vehicles all over the world go up in flames with an alarming pace, this is probably the first incident of a cyber truck that falls into a water body. As such, the incident seems to confirm what everyone suspected all the time: these things do not float.

    In the meantime, Tesla's Chinese rival EV manufacturer, BYD, has actually demonstrated a water-resistant vehicle, the U8 Luxury SUV. Recommended as an emergency function to survive floods, the U8 can float and move for about 30 minutes A Slowly but stable 1.8 mph.

    It may not be much, but at least it will save your ego if you get confused between ahead and backwards in the port.

    More about CybertRucks: Something very sketchy is going on with the government trying to buy $ 400 million at armored Teslas