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A timeline of how the banking crisis unfolded

    First Republic Bank was seized by regulators on Monday and sold to JPMorgan Chase, the latest victim of a banking crisis that saw other troubled lenders collapse in March.

    Silicon Valley Bank, one of the most prominent lenders to technology start-ups and venture capital firms, was the first to implode on March 10. Regulators seized Silicon Valley Bank and later Signature Bank, a New York financial institution with a large fair value. estate loan company. The panic also led to Wall Street’s largest banks stepping in to donate $30 billion to First Republic and UBS’ acquisition of its rival, Swiss bank Credit Suisse.

    While investors and bank customers worried about the stability of the financial system, federal officials have tried to allay concerns by taking steps to protect depositors and reassure them that they have access to all of their money.

    Here is a timeline of events related to the global financial turmoil.

    8 March

    • In a letter to stakeholders Silicon Valley Bank said it needed to strengthen its financesannouncing a loss of approximately $1.8 billion and a plan to raise $2.25 billion in capital to handle increasing withdrawal requests in a bleak economic environment for technology companies.

    • Moody’s, a credit rating agency, downgraded the bank’s credit rating.

    • Silvergate, a California-based bank that separately provided loans to cryptocurrency companies announced that it would cease operations and liquidate its assets after suffering heavy losses.

    9th of March

    • Gregory Becker, CEO of Silicon Valley Bank, urged venture capital firms to stay calm on a conference call. But the panic spread on social media and some investors advised companies to take their money out of the bank.

    • A Silicon Valley Bank executive wrote in a note to clients that it had been “a tough day,” but that the bank was “actually in pretty good shape, and it’s disappointing to see so many savvy investors tweeting otherwise.”

    • The banks stock plummeted 60 percent and customers raised about $40 billion of their money.

    10th of March

    • In the biggest bank failure since the 2008 financial crisis Silicon Valley Bank collapsed after a run on deposits. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation announced it would acquire the 40-year-old institution.

    • Investors began to dump shares of the bank’s colleagues, including First Republic, Signature Bank and Western Alliance, which had similar investment portfolios. The country’s largest banks were more insulated from the fallout, with shares of JPMorgan, Wells Fargo and Citigroup broadly flat.

    • Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen reassured investors that the banking system was resilient and expressed “full confidence in banking regulators”.

    • Signature Bank, a 24-year-old institution that provided loans to real estate companies and law firms a deluge of deposits leaving his treasury after customers started to panic.

    12 March

    • Regulators in New York exit Signature Bank, just two days after Silicon Valley Bank filed for bankruptcy, amid concerns that keeping the bank open could threaten the stability of the financial system. Signature was one of the few banks that had recently opened its doors to cryptocurrency deposits.

    • The Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department and the FDIC announced that “depositors will have access to all their money” and that none of the losses from the failure of either bank would be borne “by the taxpayer”.

    • The Fed said it would create an emergency lending program, with Treasury approval, to provide additional funding to eligible banks and ensure they “can meet the needs of all their depositors.”

    13 March

    • That’s what President Biden said in a speech the US banking system was safe and insisted that taxpayers would not pay for bailouts in an attempt to avert a crisis of confidence in the financial system.

    • Regional bank stocks submerged after the unexpected seizure of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bankwith First Republic shares plummeting 60 percent.

    • The Bank of England announced that banking giant HSBC would do just that to buy British subsidiary of Silicon Valley Bank.

    March 14

    • Bank shares earned back some of their losses as investor fears began to subside.

    • This is reported by the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission opened to research in the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank.

    Mar. 15

    • Credit Suisse Shares tumbled after investors began to fear that the bank would run out of money. Swiss central bank officials said it would intervene and provide support to Credit Suisse if necessary.

    March 16

    • Eleven of the largest US banks came together to inject $30 billion into First Republicwhich was about to collapse. The plan was devised by Ms. Yellen and Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase. The finance minister believed that the actions of the private sector would help underline confidence in the stability of the banking system. Shares of the bank rose on the announcement.

    • Credit Suisse said it intends to borrows a whopping $54 billion from the Swiss National Bank to allay concerns about her financial health.

    • Mrs Yellen testified for the Senate Finance Committee and tried to reassure the public that US banks were “sound” and deposits were safe.

    17th of March

    • The shares of many banks continued to fall, erasing the previous day’s gains as investors continued to worry about the financial turmoil.

    • A day after the $30 billion lifeline was announced, First Republic’s stock plummeted again and it was in talks to sell a piece of itself to other banks or private equity firms.

    March 19

    • UBS, Switzerland’s largest bank, agreed to buy its smaller rival, Credit Suisse, for about $3.2 billion. The The Swiss National Bank agreed to lend up to 100 billion Swiss francs to UBS to help close the deal. The Swiss financial regulatory agency also destroyed $17 billion in Credit Suisse bonds and eliminated the need for UBS shareholders to vote on the deal.

    • The Fed and five other global central banks have taken steps to ensure that dollars remain readily available, in an effort to do so relieve pressure on the global financial system.

    • The FDIC said it’s a agreement to sell Signature Bank’s 40 former branches to the New York community of Bancorp.

    March 26

    • First Citizens BancShares agreed acquire Silicon Valley Bank in a government-backed deal that included the purchase of approximately $72 billion in loans at a discount of $16.5 billion. It also included the transfer of all of the bank’s deposits, worth $56 billion. About $90 billion in the bank’s securities and other assets were not included in the sale and remained under the control of the FDIC.

    30 March

    • Mr. Biden called on financial regulators strengthen supervision from medium-sized banks that faced less oversight after the Trump administration relaxed some rules. The president proposed requiring banks to protect themselves against potential losses and maintain adequate access to cash so that they can better weather a crisis, among other things.

    28th of March

    • As he testified before Congress, officials from the Fed, the FDIC and the Treasury Department faced with difficult questions from legislators about the factors that led to the bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank.

    • Michael S. Barr, Fed Vice Chairman of Oversight, accused bank executives and said the Fed was investigating what went wrong, but gave little explanation as to why regulators failed to prevent the collapse.

    April 14

    • The country’s largest banks – including JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo – reported robust profit for the first quarterindicating that many customers had developed a strong preference for larger institutions that they considered more secure.

    April 24

    • of the First Republic latest earnings report showed that the bank lost $102 billion in customer deposits during the first quarter — well over half of the $176 billion it held at the end of last year — not counting the temporary $30 billion lifeline. The bank said it would cut down to a quarter of its workforce and cut executive pay by an undetermined amount.

    • In a conference call with Wall Street analysts, the bank’s executives said little and declined to answer questions.

    • The the bank’s stock fell about 20 percent in extended trading after rising more than 10 percent before the report’s release.

    April 25

    26 April

    • of the First Republic stock continued it tumbles and drops about 30 percent and ended the day at just $5.69, down from about $150 a year earlier.

    April 28

    • The Fed issued a report that failed itself for not “acting vigorously enough” before the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank. The FDIC released a separate report criticizing Signature Bank’s “poor management” and inadequate risk policing.

    May 1

    • First Republic was adopted by the FDIC and immediately sold to JPMorgan Chasemaking it the second-largest U.S. bank by assets after Washington Mutual in 2008.