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A first use of Apple’s Vision Pro

    De lunes pude echarle un vistazo lo que Apple vislumbra para el futuro de la computación. While using the $3500 Vision Pro, the company’s first alta technology sight got a good chunk of time.

    Salí con sentimentos encontrados, breath de a sensación persistente de escepticismo.

    Somehow Apple made an impression with the calidad del visor that Apple promoted with the comienzo of an era of “espacial computational power”, en la que los datos digitals se mezclan with el mundo fisico para desbloquear capacidades nuevas. For example, imagine using a screen to use one of the many instructions you can use to project digital manas and create a platillo mientras that you can read in your ojo’s rabillo.

    Apple’s device has ten high-definition videos, the intuitive operation and setting of the comodidad, it has greatly impressed my experience with different visions in the final phase of Meta, Magic Leap, Sony and others.

    It’s not clear that the visor is newly used to take pictures and interact with a virtual dinosaur, but it doesn’t seem like there’s much new. My experience caused a factor of “repulsion” that I have now experimented with an Apple product. Comment is more adelante.

    Empecemos por el principio. Since Apple presented the screen of the moon, because it was important that Apple Watch started in 2015, I probably allowed a model of pre-production Vision Pro. El personal de Apple me llevó a un cuarto privado in de sede de la compañía in Silicon Valley y me senté en un sillón para a destración.

    El Vision Pro, if you have one of the devices to look for, you’ll need a blank USB cable to plug in a battery pack that fits in the hem of your slacks. For use, a perilla al costado del visor con el fin de justarlo a la medida de mi rostro y aseguré un tira velcro sobre mi cabeza.

    Unscrew a metal bone in the part of the dispositivo to scan. When the configuration process is complete, it is possible that a dot will move to open the sight of my ojo’s movements. El Vision Pro has a conjunto of sensors to track the movement of the eyes, the gestures of the lasmanos and the commands of the voz, in terms of the main control modes. Mirar un icono es equivalente a pasarle por encima el cursor del ratón; Pressing a bot gives you a shortcut a few times which is the equivalent of clicking the button.

    This is a gesture that you can use to uninstall and remove the applications from the pantalla. It is intuitive and menos that use loose controllers of movements very often with the dispositivos of competence.

    Without embargo, se me ocurrieron muchas preguntas. ¿Qué otros gestos de la mano reconcería el visor para jugar? How efficient is it to have the operation of your phone or the actual transcription of your Siri and the phone no function? Apple has no other options to be compatible, and I have no chance of losing the controls of your life.

    The moment of most uses of the screen can be activated by equipping the sight now with vida cotidiana and ayudarnos and connecting several nosotros together.

    Primero me mostraron cómo ver fotografías and un video de una celebración of cumpleaños on the visor. You can make a watch face of the frente del Vision Pro and send it opposite of the manecillas of the reloj to see the photographic fondas transparent and really see the world, including the empleados of Apple and my alrededor pero, al girarlo and direction contraria la fotografía se vuelve más opaca en podía sumergirme en ella.

    Apple también hizo que abriera en el visor aplicación or meditación que mostraba animations en 3D mientras se reproducía musica tranquila y un guiaba mi respiración. With no embargo, I can’t meditate to see if I can make a video.

    If you’ve been notified, there’s a FaceTime lamada notification of a call from Apple that the visor is open. I’ve been given the chance to take the fight and loose the dos for tomar la llamada.

    The empleada I made is a “persona”, an avatar animator in 3D de ella misma who created the visor with an escaneo of your rostro. Apple created videoconferencing to be a través de estas “personas” and a manera más que la gente se comunique en incluso colabore en el espacio virtual.

    The facial expressions of Apple’s empleada parecían reales and loosely moving parts of the world are sincronizaban with lo que decía. Without embargo, the rendering of digital representation of your avatar, with the uniform texture of your pink and the false sombras, it may be that this is an era. I’m including a hologram in a video that I can watch in the city’s movie world Minority report: Sentencia previa.

    During the FaceTime session, Apple is asked to collaborate with a 3D model in a Freeform application. Pero me quedé mirándola sin comprender, pensando en lo que estaba viendo. From the many years when the house was completely empty during the pandemic, Apple asked to interact with an age-old video challenge from a real personality. Podía sent my cuerpo recazaba participar. My sense of “repulsion” has many different aspects of the technical logos that many describe as “inquietante valle” (or “uncanny valley” in English), a sense of inquietud cuando a humano and the creation of a machine that parece is demasiado humana.

    ¿Una hazaña technológica? Si. Do you have a feature you use with other personas to use for the day? En el corto plazo, quiz nr.

    Before the end of the algo divertido session, Apple seems to have a dinosaur simulation that made me think. He visto más de un dinosaurio digital en realidad virtual (casi todos los fabricantes de visores que me han hecho a demostración en los ultimos site años han usado a simulación de Jurassic Park), y eso no me entusiasmó.

    Después de la demostración, conduje a casa y processe la experience mientras atravesaba el trafico de la hora pico.

    Durante la cena, hablé con mi esposa sobre el Vision Pro. Le comment que el visor de Apple lucia y se sentía mejor que los de la competence. Without embargo, there is no important part of the case.

    Other screens from Sony’s Meta and PlayStation have a lot of baratos and bastante poderosos and entrepreneurs, and especially for video juegos. When there is an embargo, you are often invited to view your sights, while the interests of the media hora have suffered through the experience of the era and negated a new social grouping.

    ¿Sería relevant that you can use the visor dial to really use the world? So specho que aún se sentirían aislados, porque quizá serían los únicos en la habitación que usan visor.

    Not clear, it is important to my time that the idea of ​​connecting with others, including a friend and colleagues, is a través de los visors of Apple.

    Le dije a mi esposa: “Tu mamá está envejeciendo. If you have chosen Facetime, do you prefer to use your avatar ultraf digitally as well or a video camera of most people near your mobile phone to get an angle of your preference?”.

    “Lo último”, I replied without hesitation. ‘It is real. Aunque prefiero verla en persona”.

    Brian X. Chen is a consumer technology columnist. View products and write Tech Fix, a column of issues related to the technology. For Times University in 2011, reported on Apple and the industria inalámbrica for Wired. @bxchen