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A 45-year-old biotech CEO may have reduced his biological age by at least 5 years through a rigorous medical program that could cost up to $2 million a year, Bloomberg reported.

    Brian Johnson

    Bryan Johnson, a 45-year-old biotech founder, hopes to rewind his body’s clock several decades through a program he started called Project Blueprint.Thanks to Dustin Giallanza

    • Bryan Johnson, a biotech founder, is aiming for the body of an 18-year-old, Bloomberg reported.

    • He and a team of experts started a program called Project Blueprint to unlock the key to aging.

    • Test results show Johnson has the heart of a 37-year-old, according to the report.

    Bryan Johnson is 45 years old, but according to a new report, his test results show he has the heart of a 37-year-old and the lungs of a young adult.

    Johnson is a biotech entrepreneur who hopes to track nature’s aging process and get an 18-year-old’s organs and health by going through an intensive data-driven experimental program he calls Project Blueprint.

    According to a recent Bloomberg profile of the CEO, Johnson could spend up to $2 million on his body this year and there are early glimpses showing he’s on track to unravel the secret of age reversal.

    Doctors’ test results suggest Johnson has the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old and the lung capacity of an 18-year-old, Bloomberg’s Ashlee Vance reported.

    The program is led by Oliver Zolman, a 29-year-old physician who calls himself the “Rejuvenation Doctor,” and is supported by a team of more than 30 health experts, according to the report.

    Although still in the experimental phase and constantly being modified, the health program consists of an intensive daily regimen of carefully formulated supplements, meals, exercise and a whole series of physical tests.

    For example, Johnson’s 5 a.m. mornings begin with two dozen supplements for a variety of purported health benefits: lycopene, metformin, turmeric, zinc, and, for brain health, a small dose of lithium, among others.

    His meals, a mix of solid and soft foods, are vegan and limited to 1,977 calories per day. He exercises daily, with three high-intensity workouts a week, and undergoes blood tests, MRIs and colonoscopies every month, Bloomberg reported.

    “What I’m doing may sound extreme, but I’m trying to prove that self-harm and decay are not inevitable,” Johnson told the outlet.

    All of his efforts in 2021 have led to what Johnson claims is a world record epigenetic age reversal of 5.1 years.

    In certain aspects of his health, he shows even younger signs of old age. Doctors say he has the gingivitis of a 17-year-old, and a device that tracks Johnson’s nightly erections resembles a teenager’s, Bloomberg reported.

    Johnson also hopes to encourage others to follow his data- and medical-driven program by turning his relentless pursuit of youth into a competition.

    He recently started a website called Rejuventaiton Olympics, which displays an “epigenetic leaderboard” ranking the 1,750 people in the world fighting Father Time.

    Johnson is currently in first place.

    Read the original article on Business Insider