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Grapefruit Soda Brands – Best Grapefruit Soda Brand

    If you like grapefruit soda, you might be wondering which grapefruit soda brands are the best tasting on the market. This is a type of soda that isn’t very common, so finding just the right kind that you like can be difficult.

    There are many brands that make their own version of grapefruit soda, each with a unique flavor. But they’re not all made equal, and there are definitely certain grapefruit soda brands that stand out from the rest on the market.

    This is a tricky taste, which is why grapefruit soda is no more mainstream than other types of soda. While it may not be as widespread, there are still plenty of people out there who enjoy a bright and bubbly grapefruit soda.

    Read on to find out which grapefruit soda brand is the best and how easy it is to find these specific brands of grapefruit soda at grocery stores.

    Best Grapefruit Soda Brands

    If you’re looking for the best brand of grapefruit soda, look no further than Crush Grapefruit Soda. Crush is best known for its orange soda, but it has a variety of other fruity flavors, including grapefruit, which are very popular.

    Grapefruit juice and ripe grapefruit

    Crush was one of the very first soda companies to offer its customers an orange soda flavor. After its massive success in this space, it continues to make fruitier soda flavors, including a unique and zesty grapefruit flavor.

    This is a light soda flavor that has a tangy and bitter note that you would expect in a grapefruit soda. It’s full of flavor and light and refreshing, making it the perfect soda alternative when you want something fruity.

    It’s also not as sweet or heavy as the original orange soda, so it can be a lighter option. The grapefruit flavor comes through very clearly, making this a uniquely tasting soda that you won’t soon forget.

    However, it’s important to note that finding the Crush Grapefruit soda in a store near you can be a bit difficult. This flavor is only stocked at select grocery stores and is not available at every store you shop at.

    1. Faygo

    Faygo is another classic soda company that has been making delicious soda options for over 100 years. It also has its own grapefruit soda flavor that sets it apart from the rest.

    Unlike Crush, Faygo Grapefruit Soda is a unique blend of flavors with hints of lime shining through the grapefruit. This gives it a unique and slightly tropical flavor that tastes spicier and stronger.

    These two flavors pair beautifully together, creating a light and refreshing citrus drink that anyone would enjoy. It’s not as faithful to the original grapefruit flavor as crush soda, as it doesn’t have the same bitter notes.

    This makes it a great option when you want to enjoy grapefruit soda but find a real grapefruit flavor too harsh. The lime softens it beautifully, creating a delicious, citrus-flavored lemonade that’s refreshing and perfect for any hot day.

    2nd cast

    Gus is a unique soda brand that stands for adult soda. It’s a lemonade made more naturally and with less sugar to appeal to a more mature audience while still being a delicious drink.

    Gus offers a wide variety of fruit-flavored drinks along with its ruby ​​red grapefruit soda. This is a deliciously refreshing grapefruit drink made with real grapefruit juice concentrate as well as other natural flavors.

    This gives you a very strong and pure taste of grapefruit as it is more natural and contains less sugar. So this will be the best soda option for those who really like the taste of grapefruit.

    It’s not as sweet as typical soda and won’t have a chemical taste. It’s made with only natural ingredients and minimal sugar content to create a refreshing drink that’s good for you.


    Unknown to many Coca-Cola customers, Fresca is a subsidiary of Coca-Cola that has been around since the very beginning. This is a lesser-known branch of Coca-Cola and mainly offers fruit-flavored soda options.

    Many of these sodas have been marketed as fizzy drinks due to their fast selling these days. Although these sodas are much more similar in that they are heavily sweetened and bubbly making the perfect soda drink.

    Fresca Grapefruit Soda is a bright and refreshing citrus soda that has the perfect balance of flavor and sparkling sweetness. It’s light and refreshing, unlike the other sodas Coca-Cola makes.

    At Fresca you will find other fruity flavors of lemonades in addition to grapefruit. This is a great branch of Coca-Cola to try if you prefer fruitier soda as opposed to the traditional cola flavor.

    4. Jarritos

    Jarritos is a Mexican soft drink company that creates unique-tasting sodas for everyone to enjoy. These are most commonly found in the Mexican aisle at any grocery store you enjoy shopping at.

    Jarritos sells a grapefruit-flavored soft drink that’s described as sweet and tart with lots of citrus thang. This is a bright and refreshing drink that will have all those refreshing qualities of a fresh sized grapefruit.

    This company also makes all of their soft drinks with real cane sugar, which will make a definite difference in taste. This really sets the soft drinks apart and makes them a unique option when looking for a grapefruit soda to try.

    Besides the grapefruit flavor, there are many other fruity flavors that you can buy from this brand. They’re easy to find at most grocery stores, although you may not be able to find every flavor you want.

    5. Syringes

    Squirt is a company that is an offshoot of Dr. Pepper is. It was developed quite a long time ago and has since become one of the most popular grapefruit soda options on the market with customers reaching out.

    The sales show that this brand of grapefruit soda is still going strong and is still one of the top-selling grapefruit sodas. It’s light and refreshing with a delicious taste, which is ultimately why it’s called Squirt.

    You can get the regular grapefruit soda as well as a ruby ​​grapefruit soda, both of which are slightly different flavors. Keep in mind that this is definitely not a more natural lemonade as it is heavily processed and very sweet.

    6. Izze

    Izze is a sparkling fruit juice company that creates unique blends of carbonated juices. While this isn’t necessarily a real type of lemonade, it’s definitely a great option if you want a real-tasting grapefruit soda.

    This bubbly grapefruit juice contains ingredients that are natural and in their purest form. It’s 70% fruit juice, but interestingly it doesn’t contain actual grapefruit juice.

    It’s colored with beetroot juice and contains only natural sweeteners to create a light and refreshing drink that’s also healthy. This is the perfect option if you’re looking for something healthy, yet bubbly enough to curb your soda cravings.

    7. Hansens

    Hansen’s is a traditional soda brand known for making sodas with pure cane sugar. This gives the sodas a delicious flavor that really enhances all aspects of every soda flavor.

    This is another soda brand that maintains a relatively clean list of ingredients and their efforts in creating a healthier soda option. That’s why you can expect a more real grapefruit flavor from Hansen’s Grapefruitsoda.

    It’s made with a small list of ingredients, plus a natural grapefruit flavor for a bright and refreshing drink. This is a great option if you want to try a grapefruit soda that will really have that unique and pure citrus flavor.

    Hansen’s also specifically mentions the fact that this grapefruit soda is completely caffeine free. Ideal for those trying not to consume too much caffeine in their drinks during the day.

    Top Rated Brand of Grapefruit Soda

    If you’re looking for the best grapefruit soda to try, be sure to check out Crush as it’s a delicious grapefruit soda option. Crush is best known for their orange soda, but they’ve also come out with an equally good grapefruit soda.

    Aside from crush, there are plenty of other grapefruit soda brands to try if this is one of your favorites. These include brands like Fresca, Gus, Faygo and Squirt.

    These are all brands that have perfected their own take on grapefruit soda to create a unique option that you should try. Some of these brands offer more natural options, while others give you the traditional type of lemonade you’re used to.

    No matter your preference, you have plenty of grapefruit soda brands to try to find the best fit.