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Pierogi Brands – What are the Best Pierogi Brands in 2022?

    A type of dumpling, pierogi can be an excellent addition to a meal or served as a snack on its own. If you like pierogi, you might already have a favorite brand.

    However, you may be new to dumplings and unsure of what to buy. Look at the best brands out there to make sure you’re getting the best product possible.

    What are the best Pierogi brands?

    Top brands include Pierogies Factory and Pappardelle’s. Kasia’s, Mrs. T’s and Alexandra’s are a few other companies that make good pierogi. Some grocery stores may sell other brands that you won’t find everywhere.

    Try a few brands until you find one you like. You can also consider things like availability, cost, and taste.

    Best Pierogi Brands

    Pierogi is not the most common stuffed food, but many brands make and sell it. If you want to taste good pierogi, you need to know which brands to buy.

    pierogi sa borovnicom

    Of course, the brands you find may vary from store to store. However, some brands are still the best overall.

    Consider the following companies if you want to try pierogi.

    Pierogi Factory

    Pierogies Factory makes potato and cheese pierogi. You can prepare them by boiling, frying or grilling. This makes it easy to prepare the food based on the texture you want or the time you have.

    Unfortunately, once thawed, you cannot refreeze them. That means you have to be careful about how many you cook at a time. However, they can be easy to prepare and many people love the taste.

    They’re a bit pricey, so keep that in mind. Luckily, if you’re just feeding yourself or a few people, you don’t have to make a ton.


    Pappardelle’s also makes potato and cheese pierogi. They’re a little cheaper than the other brands, but you also get fewer parts. That’s fine if you’re serving yourself, but you’ll need more packages to serve a few friends.

    You can either cook the pierogi and then put them in a pan or cook them but longer. That means you can get the texture you want. Some people say this brand is a bit dry and not as creamy as other pierogi brands, but some people might like that.

    If you want a smaller pack of dumplings, try this brand. You can always switch brands later if you want.


    Kasia’s pierogi cost a lot more than the previous brands on this list. But it’s made in Chicago, so you can get fresh pierogi, especially if you live in the Midwest. The brand makes sweet cheese, potato and cheese, and pierogi with potato and onion.

    If you must order these online, they come in nice insulated packaging. This can help keep them in good condition. You can then pop them in your freezer until you’re ready to make good pierogi.

    Of course, some other brands don’t have as many flavors. If you are not a cheese fan, you can get the potato and onion package, for example.

    Mrs T

    Mrs. T’s is another popular multi-flavored pierogi brand. You can find potatoes and onions, potatoes and cheese, and even sauerkraut pierogi. Each box contains 12 pierogi, which is a good number for most families.

    However, if you order them online, you must get them in bulk. That means they can be expensive, but you can freeze the crates and pull them out one at a time.

    Compared to some brands, this one has many varieties. You can try a few different flavors and even accommodate different preferences within your family.


    Alexandra’s specializes in making good pierogi. The brand makes over a dozen flavors, including classics like potato and cheese. However, you can also buy blueberry, cabbage or meat pierogi.

    Of course, the type of meat does not go well with a vegetarian diet. Be sure to consider your dietary preferences and those of others in your household.

    If you can’t agree, you can always buy a few varieties. Then you can do both and people can choose whichever flavor they prefer.

    Your own

    You may not find any pierogies that you like. In this case, you should use a recipe to make pierogi from scratch. It takes time and many ingredients. However, you can choose the fills you add.

    You also have control over the flour and other ingredients. If you or someone you know is gluten-free, you can use a gluten-free flour.

    While this isn’t technically a brand, it can be fun to try. You may find that you like homemade pierogi better than any store brand because they are fresh.

    Pierogi vs Potsticker

    You may be wondering how pierogi compare to potstickers. Pierogi is generally a European or North American dish, and the dumplings are square or crescent-shaped.

    However, potstickers are Asian and are usually pan fried. The ingredients may be different or very similar depending on the brand and variety you choose.

    How to choose a Pierogi brand?

    If you want to try Pierogi, you need to choose a good brand. Some companies have more options than others.

    Even the brands with fewer products can taste great and be easy to make. Consider the following factors to choose the right brand for you.


    Depending on where you shop for groceries, you may only have one or two options. Pierogi is usually in the frozen area. Especially if your grocery store is small, there may not be that many options for pierogi.

    Even if you shop at a larger store, they may not have every brand. Knowing which brands to buy can help narrow your search for the best one. Of course you can also shop online if you can’t find any good Pierogi brands in your area.


    Another thing to keep an eye on is how many Pierogi you get. The average serving is around four pieces, but certain brands can have more or less. If you want to prepare food for yourself, you can get a smaller pack.

    But when you have a family, you want something bigger. Sure, you can buy multiple packs, but you might not want to pay for them, especially if you only need a few more pieces. Consider if you have a lot of waste and if you can save some of the pierogi by not eating them all.


    Next, you may want to check the packaging to see how to make the pierogi. Most brands are easy to make at home. However, some recommend boiling it, while others say you can sauté or grill the pierogi.

    If you want crispier pierogi, grilling and sautéing can come in handy. Of course, you can ignore the instructions and cook the pierogi however you like. However, if you follow the box, the pierogi are almost guaranteed to come out as they should.


    Potato and cheese pierogi are pretty standard. But you can also find pierogi with only cheese or with potatoes and onions. There are also some varieties with meat, like bacon, or fruits, like blueberries.

    Recipe for preparing pierogi

    Think about how you want the pierogi to taste. If you want to stick to tradition, go to Potato and Cheese. But you can also experiment with newer options. Of course, if you make your own, you can add anything you like.

    Knowing what you’re going to have with it can help ensure you’re pairing the right pierogi flavor. Fortunately, potato and cheese pierogi come with most things.


    In addition to the ingredients, you should consider any dietary restrictions in your household. For example, if you are a vegetarian, you can avoid meat pierogi. You’ll want to do that too if you’re staying kosher, especially if the brand includes cheese in their pierogi.

    It’s unclear if you can buy gluten-free pierogi, but you can try making your own. That can be nice if you or someone in your house isn’t allowed to eat wheat or other gluten-containing products. You can still enjoy a good meal.


    Of course you have to make sure you can afford the food. If a strain is only available in bulk, you may not have the money to buy it. You should also avoid bulk options if you’ve never had pierogi because you don’t want to waste a lot of money if you don’t like it.

    Also pay attention to the price per ounce. Some larger packages may be slightly cheaper per ounce or per piece of pierogi.

    You should also consider what else to eat with the pierogi. Then you can pay for the entire meal without having to borrow money or make other sacrifices. Check your grocery store for sales to choose the best brand this time.

    There aren’t many brands of Pierogi, but some brands exist and are great. Be sure to consider Mrs. T’s, Kasia’s and others. Think about the flavors you want, your dietary restrictions, and your budget. Then you can be sure that you will enjoy the product.