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Fruit Punch Brands – What Are the Best Fruit Punch Brands?

    Fruit punch is a sweet, fruity drink that’s perfect for a hot day. But it can also be enjoyed all year round as an alternative to lemonade and other sugary drinks.

    However, if you want to enjoy your fruit punch, you need to buy the right brand. This way you can get a drink that will not have a strange aftertaste or other negative factors.

    What are the best fruit punch brands?

    Some of the best fruit punch brands include Hawaiian Punch, 365, and Honest Kids. Tropicana, Capri Sun, and Sparkling Ice also make good fruit punches. AriZona and Gatorade also make some fruit punch that you can drink.

    Consider as many brands as possible. Then you can compare things like diet to decide which brand of fruit punch to buy.

    The best fruit punch brands

    You can find many more fruit punch brands than you expect. Sure, many of these brands make other drinks besides fruit punch. However, her shots are good.

    fruit punch brands

    Be sure to try the brands below if you don’t have a favorite. One can stand out, or you can choose to use different brands for different scenarios.

    Hawaiian punch

    Hawaiian Punch is probably the most well-known brand of fruit punch. Many know the brand from the Fruit Juicy Red drink, which comes in large jugs or individual packs. The individual packages are great for on the go.

    The fruit punch tastes amazing and is great for drinking or making popsicles. If you haven’t tried another fruit punch brand, try this one. You can find it in many grocery stores and online, so you should be able to get some easily.


    Whole Foods’ 365 brand also sells an amazing fruit punch. It contains monk fruit and stevia extract to make the drink sweet. This punch also has potassium, which is great if you’re low on minerals.

    You don’t have to worry about drinking excess calories as there are 0 per serving. Of course, you have to shop at Whole Foods to buy the brand. If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can also order it online.

    Honest kids

    Honest Kids makes Super Fruit Punch which is organic and comes in individual juice boxes. This makes it easy to hand them out to kids after a sports game or workout. You can also take them on a trip for a simple treat.

    But you don’t have to be a kid to enjoy the fruit punch. If you’re craving the juice but want a healthy alternative, Honest Kids can be drunk at any age. You may be able to find the brand at your local grocery store, but you can order them online if your store doesn’t carry them.


    Tropicana makes a lot of great fruit juices, including a fruit medley. There is also a fruit punch, and the two are different. The medley is similar to other juices, so it’s a bit thicker than the fruit punch.

    You can try both types of fruit drinks to decide which one you like better. Both go well with a snack or meal, or on their own. The punch comes in a carton, while the juice usually comes in a bottle. That can help you find the right drink at your local grocery store.

    Capri Sun

    Capri Sun is another well-known brand of juice that many people drink as children. If you’ve had any type of Capri sun, chances are you had it from a sachet. Like the other flavors, you can drink fruit punch from individual pouches.

    The fruit punch is quite tasty and a good option if you don’t like other brands. You can find it at some grocery stores or online where you can buy the punch in bulk. Just make sure you pick fruit punch and no other flavor.

    Sparkling ice

    Sparkling Ice makes sparkling flavored water with different flavors. The fruit punch flavor is similar to your standard fruit punch but bubbly. If you don’t like that, you should look for other brands.

    However, the bubbles make it an excellent alternative to sodas. If you’re craving bubbles, this fruit punch can satisfy that. But you don’t have to worry about consuming too much caffeine, especially if you want to have that fruit punch later in the day.


    You might think of tea when you think of AriZona, but the brand also sells fruit punch. It’s more like a juice than some other brands, so keep that in mind. They sell the punch online, but you may be able to find it at a few select grocery stores.

    The punch isn’t nearly as popular as the brand’s tea, so you may need to shop it. But it’s a relatively affordable option, even if you buy the fruit punch in bulk. A large supply is good because you can drink a bottle whenever you feel like it.


    Gatorade makes many flavorful drinks that are perfect to have on hand during a tough workout. The drinks can help replace electrolytes and other nutrients. If you like the taste of fruit punch, buy this flavor of Gatorade to slip in your gym bag.

    The brand also makes powdered fruit punch drinks. You can mix the powder with some water and drink it during or after your workout. The powder is great if you travel a lot and don’t want to bother with bringing a full bottle of liquid with you.

    vitamin water

    Vitamin Water is another brand that makes in-workout and post-workout drinks. Their Revive flavor is fruit punch, and it’s an excellent option. It tastes a little less strong than some fruit punches because it’s a mix of punch and flavored water.

    You can get plenty of vitamin C and B from the drink. If you don’t like Gatorade but need something to keep you hydrated while you work out, try Vitamin Water. The bottles are about the same size so you can throw one in your bag.

    crystal light

    If you don’t mind making the fruit punch, consider using Crystal Light packets. You can get a packet that contains enough mix for a pitcher. But the brand also sells packs that work for individual water bottles.

    Anyway, you mix the powder with water to make fruit punch. It’s a great on-the-go option and it’s low in calories. You can pack the powder packets so they are good for traveling as you don’t have to throw away any liquid.

    How to choose fruit punch?

    Before you buy the first brand of fruit punch you can find, there are a few factors you should consider. This way you can choose the best brand for your needs.

    brand preference

    Some people may already have a favorite brand. Ask your friends and family if they prefer one brand over another. If so, you can get this brand, especially if you don’t care what brand you drink.

    On the other hand, your local grocery store may limit your choices. If you only sell one or two brands, you may have to settle on a brand that isn’t your favorite. You can also order online if you want more options.

    Then you don’t have to shop around town and waste your time or gas money. You can also order lots of fruit punch at once and keep the extra pitchers in your fridge for when you need them.

    Drink or mix

    Most brands of fruit punch come in liquid form, so you only need to pour one glass. In some cases, you can drink the punch straight from a bottle, box, or pouch. These are all practical and fun parties with lots of kids.

    However, Gatorade and Crystal Light make fruit punch powder. You can add as much powder to your water. This lets you determine how strong the flavor is, so you can add more water to thin the fruit punch if it’s too strong.


    Next, you should think about the purpose of the fruit punch. If you’re planning to host a kids’ party, consider buying a brand that’s aimed at kids, like Honest Kids or Capri Sun. You can get bags or boxes so you don’t have to use cups.

    Or maybe you’re looking for a new workout drink. In this case, you can use Gatorade or Vitamin Water. Both brands have added nutrients to help you replenish what you lose when you’re physically active.

    Another reason to drink fruit punch is if you want to give up soda. In this case, Sparkling Ice will give you the bubbly feeling of soda. You can enjoy a new taste, however, and it doesn’t contain caffeine or as many calories as most sodas.

    Final Thoughts

    Some of the best fruit punch brands include Hawaiian Punch, Capri Sun, and Honest Kids. If you want something less traditional, try Gatorade for a workout or Sparkling Ice instead of soda. Then stay healthy and enjoy a fruity treat.