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Can you eat pizza with braces? Everything you need to know in 2022

    If you have braces, you may want to know whether or not you can continue to eat pizza. Is this one of the types of foods that are not allowed for people with braces? Can pizza damage your braces if you eat them?

    These are all good questions to ask yourself if you have braces but still want to enjoy your favorite foods. Although there are many restrictions on what you can eat with braces, there are many things you can still enjoy.

    You’ll want to find out exactly what you can and can’t eat when you’re wearing your braces. This will make your life that little bit easier and help you avoid costly mistakes with your braces.

    Read on to find out if you can eat pizza when you have braces, and if so, what kind of pizza you can eat.

    young girl with braces with pizza

    Can You Eat Pizza With Braces?

    If you have braces, it’s a relief to know you can still eat pizza after your braces are in place. This is a popular type of food that you can still enjoy as long as you treat it with a little more care and consideration.

    Pizza is something a lot of people enjoy, but do you know if this is allowed if they wear braces? Overall, it can be difficult to know what types of foods are allowed and which aren’t allowed when you have braces.

    Braces are something that can really get in the way of what you can and can’t eat and can really disrupt your diet. The good news is that kids with braces will still eat pizza as long as they are careful when eating it.

    You should focus on taking small bites and chewing them thoroughly before continuing to eat your pizza slice. You should also make sure that you clean your braces properly after eating so that nothing from biting into the pizza gets stuck.

    In fact, it’s best if you avoid biting into your pizza slice completely and use a knife and fork to cut it. This way you can avoid pizza toppings getting stuck in your braces.

    Man in the living room thinking about his pizza on the table

    Can people with braces eat pizza crust?

    Although you can’t eat pizza when you have braces, the tricky part really is working your way around the crust. This is something that many people worry about since the crust is the toughest and toughest part of the pizza.

    People with braces should generally avoid eating the crust end of the pizza. This end piece, circling the outside of the entire pizza, is much thicker, chewy, and crispy.

    You should always leave that piece of crust behind as it’s too risky to eat with your braces on. You should also avoid any type of thin crust, which can be particularly crispy and crunchy.

    A thin pizza base is far too risky for your braces. This type of scab could easily snap one of your wires or even snap a bracket, resulting in a very costly brace repair for your orthodontist.

    Thin pizza crusts would be classified as crunchy foods, which you should specifically avoid. That’s a big part of why a lot of people think they can’t eat pizza with braces.

    As long as you’re careful and choose the right crust, you should be fine eating pizza with braces on. It just comes down to being a little more mindful of what you eat and choosing your options more carefully.

    happy woman with braces

    What Kinds of Pizza Can You Eat With Braces?

    If you eat pizza with your braces on, you probably want to know what kind of pizza you can eat. The good thing is that there really isn’t a specific type of pizza that you should avoid completely if you have braces.

    Most pizza toppings are perfectly safe to eat while wearing braces, as long as you pay attention to the type of crust you’re getting. As mentioned above, thin crust should be avoided as well as any other type of crispy crust.

    Try to choose soft pizza crusts that are not thin but not too thick either. A very thick pizza crust is difficult to chew and can damage your braces if you have trouble chewing through them.

    Some types of pizza that you can also enjoy with braces are:

    • Cheese Pizza
    • Pepperoni pizza
    • vegetarian pizza
    • Sausage Pizza

    These are just some of the options you have as you can eat most types of pizza. Although it’s best to avoid pizza toppings with a bunch of different things on them as these can be hard to eat when you have braces.

    Can people with braces eat pizza?

    If you have braces, you can still enjoy your pizza without damaging your braces. You just have to be a little more careful about how you eat your pizza and what type of crust you end up choosing.

    Thin crust and any other type of crust that is very crunchy should be avoided entirely. It’s also best to avoid a very thick crust, which is chewy and could damage your braces in the process.

    Aside from worrying about the crust, you can choose almost any type of pizza you want to eat, even if you have braces.