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Has Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso Been Discontinued in 2022?

    If you’ve enjoyed a Starbucks double-shot espresso, you might be wondering if that drink was discontinued. This was a very common question as so many customers regularly bought this special canned coffee.

    This was a drink that had long been featured and regularly purchased in Starbucks stores. It had a large following of fans who would visit their local Starbucks just to pick up one of those mini Doubleshot espresso cans.

    Unlike many other beverages offered at Starbucks, these double-shot espresso cans were not made on-site. They could be bought as is and saved for later if you didn’t want to drink them right away.

    It didn’t take long for customers to realize their favorite drink was no longer being sold. Which led to many customers worrying that this drink might have been discontinued by Starbucks.

    Read on to find out whether or not Starbucks has discontinued the double-shot espresso.

    Has the Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso been discontinued?

    If you love drinking a Starbucks double-shot espresso, you might be wondering if that drink has been discontinued. Unfortunately, Starbucks seems to have stopped selling this type of coffee.

    Not long ago, customers noticed that Starbucks double-shot espresso was no longer available in Starbucks coffee shops. This caused quite a stir as customers wanted this drink but couldn’t find it anymore.

    This is an extremely popular drink that many have long been a regular purchase at Starbucks locations. That’s why it came as a shock when customers couldn’t find it where they usually were anymore.

    It was later revealed that Starbucks had recalled these canned coffee drinks due to sealing issues with the cans. Many customers complained that the cans were not sealed properly, causing the coffee to spoil.

    This is a pretty big problem as canned goods need to be sealed properly to be sold safely. It was a public health concern for Starbucks to continue selling stocks of this coffee beverage.

    Some customers have reported finding the Doubleshot espresso at their local Starbucks stores. But for the most part, it seems Starbucks no longer carries this particular type of coffee.

    A reality that has quite upset many Starbucks customers who no longer have access to their favorite espresso.

    Did Starbucks create the Doubleshot Espresso?

    Contrary to popular belief, Starbucks is not the actual creator of the double-shot espresso. In fact, this drink was created by PepsiCo and sold by Starbucks.

    Starbucks was simply one of the stores that stock the special drink that PepsiCo created for its customers. Even if this drink were discontinued, it wouldn’t be a result of Starbucks’ decision.

    When the problems with the seal on espresso cans emerged, PepsiCo conducted a nationwide recall of these leaked cans. This was very important as improper sealing could lead to spoilage and illness among customers.

    Because of this, the recall resulted in the removal of all Doubleshot espresso beverages from Starbucks locations. Because of this, customers noticed that these drinks were not available when they bought them.

    This was not Starbucks’ decision but PepsiCo’s decision as it was their responsibility. Any food deemed unsafe for consumption must be recalled by the company that makes it.

    Not much is known as to why Starbucks is still not stocking this drink given its ability to do so following the recall. Starbucks may have decided to stop stocking these drinks, or simply hasn’t replenished its stocks yet.

    There’s really no way of knowing the answer to that question unless Starbucks decides to make a statement about it. Which it has yet to do, although there are many angry customers about it.

    Is the Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso sold elsewhere?

    Now that you know all the details about the Doubleshot Espresso at Starbucks, you might be wondering if it’s sold elsewhere. This is a good question as this is not a Starbucks drink only Starbucks sells.

    Because of this detail, this drink can be sold wherever PepsiCo decides to sell it. So there’s a good chance you can still buy this drink, just not at your local Starbucks store.

    Apart from that, there are many grocery stores and other types of stores that carry goods offering this drink. In fact, most stores have always sold the double-shot espresso, you just might not have noticed.

    You can likely find the Doubleshot Espresso at a variety of stores, such as:

    • target
    • Walmart
    • 7-Eleven
    • Walgreens
    • Krogers

    Has the Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso been discontinued?

    If you’ve noticed that Starbucks doesn’t have a double-shot espresso, you might be wondering if it’s been discontinued. The good news is this drink hasn’t been discontinued, it was simply recalled after an issue with the can.

    It is also important to mention that Starbucks is not the creator of this drink, but PepsiCo. Because of this, this drink is still being sold in places like grocery stores, although Starbucks is yet to have it back in its stores.

    So you can still buy the Doubleshot Espresso, you might just have to look for it in stores other than Starbucks.