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What are the best cookie brands in 2022? A complete guide

    If you are a cookie lover, you might be wondering which of these cookie brands is the best option for you. There are so many cookie brands out there that it can be difficult to know which one will taste the best.

    Not every cookie is made equal or has the same characteristics that you may be looking for. Cookies are absolutely unique, just like the people who love them and want to eat them all the time.

    There are also certain cookie brands that stand out and offer some of the best options. These are some companies that you should definitely check out to see what you think.

    Read on to find out which cookie brands are the best and which cookie companies you should try to see what you think of them.

    What is the best cookie brand?

    When trying to find the best brands of cookies to buy, you have a lot to choose from. Although the most popular option that most people seem to prefer is Chips ahoywhich offers a wide variety of delicious biscuit options.

    Chips Ahoy is a popular brand of cookies known for their cute cartoon characters promoting their cookies. This has created a large following for children who especially love these cookies.

    This brand is also best known for their chocolate chip cookies, which have the perfect balance and traditional chocolate chip cookie flavor. Although there are a wide range of cookie options to choose from, regardless of your cookie preferences.

    It also offers different varieties in different cookie flavors such as: B. soft biscuits or crunchy biscuits, depending on what you like. This caters to both crowds as there is always a divide between those who like soft cookies and those who like crunchy cookies.

    No matter what type of cookies you like, Chips Ahoy has something for everyone, offering adorable little cookies that always hit the spot. These are perfect for dunking in a cup of milk or tossing into your child’s lunch.


    Oreo is the next biggest cookie company that most people are drawn to. This company has been around for quite a while and has made a name for itself in the competition.

    Oreo is a cookie brand that is instantly recognizable for the unique cookies they offer. This is a biscuit brand that has fully stuck to its original vision, keeping things simple without being boring.

    All Oreo cookies are instantly recognizable and you know you are looking at an Oreo cookie. But that doesn’t mean this company is boring, they’ve changed their cookie flavors many times over the years.

    The classic flavor is the chocolate chip cookie exterior with a soft and creamy frosting inside. Although it has branched out into a variety of flavors for both the cookie outside and the creamy inside.

    No matter what kind of cookie flavor you like, Oreo most likely has something for you.


    Newtons is another delicious cookie brand that is well known and has remained one of the most popular brands in the US. Newtons has not been particularly adventurous over the years and has mostly stuck to his original vision.

    This includes a unique type of biscuit wrapped in a crumbly crust with a deliciously mashed fig jam inside. It’s a completely unique experience that will not be like any other cookie on the market.

    It’s also considered one of the healthier options since it contains real fruit and isn’t as sugary. Although it won’t be for everyone considering it’s a more unique cookie option and it won’t be like a classic cookie.

    Newtons have also released a line of biscuits that are thin, crunchy and made with wholesome ingredients. These are marketed as breakfast cookies to enjoy on the go.

    Grandma’s Cookies

    Grandma’s biscuits are a traditional brand of biscuits that have been around for a long time. This brand is the definition of nostalgia as many people grew up enjoying these as a treat from their parents.

    Grandma’s Cookies are large cookies made with traditional ingredients to give them that homemade flavor. They come in a packet so you can eat on the go or share with a friend if you’re feeling generous.

    You can expect to find all the traditional cookie flavors from Grandma’s Cookies. They’re also soft biscuits, perfect for biscuit lovers who enjoy a biscuit with a good mouthfeel.


    Nilla is another older biscuit brand that has been around for quite some time. This is a unique cookie that you will recognize immediately when you walk past it in the grocery store.

    Nilla is known for its waffle cookies, round, vanilla-flavored cookies that are crunchy and perfectly sweet. They are often used in various baked goods such as puddings and tiramisu recipes.

    Many people find Nilla waffles very nostalgic, having grown up with these cookies. Or maybe they grew up with desserts their mother made with these cookies, since they were a common part of old-fashioned recipes.

    You can enjoy Nilla Waffles with a large cup of milk or add them to a variety of recipes to enjoy. They’re a popular addition to banana pudding to create a deliciously crunchy vanilla layer of biscuits in the pudding.

    Lofthouse Cookies

    Lofthouse Cookies is another brand that has been around for a while. It’s a brand of sugar cookies that sells thick sugar cookies with a thick layer of icing and sprinkles on top.

    These are the types of cookies that have a dedicated following, but also many detractors. They have a unique flavor and texture that you will not find and every other type of cookie brand you can try.

    The sugar cookie itself is thick and soft and almost crumbles before you can take a bite out of it. That’s paired with a thick layer of icing on top and the traditionally added sprinkles.

    These are extremely sweet cookies and they only come in vanilla, so there isn’t much variety. But this is a worthy cookie to try if you’ve never tried it, and enjoy a sweet sugar cookie.

    Mom’s Cookies

    Mother’s Cookies is a cookie brand that’s not getting nearly as much recognition as it should. This is a relatively old brand that has been around for quite some time and has mostly stuck to their one product.

    These are animal-based cookies made with a basic crust covered in pink and white frosting. Multi-colored sprinkles are added to these cookies, creating a gorgeous look that kids love.

    These cookies are very similar to animal crackers except they are a little sweeter and have a sweet icing on the outside. These are a traditional favorite and the perfect option if you want a different type of cookie option.

    Because it’s an older brand, you may not find Mother’s Cookies in every grocery store. But most major grocery stores carry these types of cookies along with the other brands in the cookie department.

    Pepperidge Farmhouse

    Pepperidge Farm House makes delicious cookies that have all the comforting properties of homemade cookies. They are made from real ingredients that show in the taste.

    It’s known for the classic options it sells, including its delicious chocolate chip cookie filled with thick chunks of chocolate. However, it also offers other classic cookie options that many people are drawn to.

    If you’re a true cookie lover who prefers classic flavors and textures, this is definitely the brand to go for. You get all the benefits of homemade cookies without ever having to set foot in your kitchen.

    What are the best cookie companies to buy from?

    If you’re a fan of all types of cookies, you might be curious about which cookie companies are the best options. For the most part, many people prefer Chips Ahoy because of its traditional cookie flavors and wide range of options.

    This is a classic cookie option that offers both soft and crunchy cookies that anyone would enjoy. But that’s not the only cookie brand to try, there are many others that offer equally tasty options.

    Oreo is another brand that follows closely behind Chips Ahoy in popularity and demand. The Newtons and Nilla are also popular options, although they don’t offer as many cookie options as other brands.

    Most of the time, no matter which grocery store you go to, you have plenty of choices when it comes to cookies. It all comes down to personal preference and what type of textures and flavors you’re looking for in a cookie you buy.