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Barack Obama taunts GOP election denier with a damning football analogy

    Barack Obama reprimanded Jim Marchant, the GOP Nevada secretary of state nominee, when the former president returned to the campaign trail for Democratic candidates on Tuesday ahead of next week’s midterm elections.

    At a rally in Las Vegas, Obama mocked Marchant’s fervent defense of Donald Trump’s election lies with a scathing football analogy.

    Obama pointed out how former Nevada State Representative Marchant, who is in a close race with Democratic rival Cisco Aguilar, has tried to unite “all Republicans who have been peddling lies about the 2020 election” by claiming that all elections in Nevada have been “fake” for the last 15 years.

    Marchant was “not someone you want” to oversee an election, Obama said.

    He continued: “It would be like the Raiders were playing the Chiefs and you noticed that instead of the umpires calling games for 20 years, someone said, ‘Hey, how about that guy over there wearing the Chiefs gear? I’ve spent the last three hours tailgating, having a few beers and ranting about how the Chiefs beat the Bucks in the Super Bowl last year, they look impartial, let’s put them in charge.’”

    “If you wouldn’t do that for a football game, why would you do it for an election?” Obama added.

    Watch the video here:

    This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
