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Erdogan outlines future for Turkey, swears new constitution

    ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday set out his vision for Turkey in the next century, promising a new constitution that would guarantee citizens’ rights and freedoms.

    However, Erdogan said his government would propose constitutional amendments in the meantime that would protect the rights of women who want to wear Islamic-style headscarves, but also protect family values ​​from what he called the “threat of perverts”. It was a reference to planned changes that could curb LGBTQ rights and discourage same-sex relationships.

    Erdogan’s speech outlined plans for Turkey with one year to go to celebrate the centenary of the republic’s founding after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. His speech was also seen as a campaign manifesto as the country moves towards parliamentary and presidential elections in June.

    The autocratic politician who has led Turkey for the past two decades — first as prime minister and as president since 2014 — is aiming for a new five-year term.

    Erdogan’s vision for Turkey includes making the country one of the world’s top 10 countries in terms of “politics, economics, technology, military and diplomacy” and reducing energy dependence on foreign nations.

    He also vowed to go ahead with controversial plans to build a canal running through Istanbul. The government insists the canal will facilitate shipping traffic in the Bosphorus Strait, but environmental groups fear the project will cause ecological damage.

    “We want to make a strong start to the new century of the Republic,” Erdogan said.

    Erdogan noted that Turkey’s constitution was drafted after a military coup in 1980 and promised a new constitution that would “strengthen the rule of law, pluralism, justice and equality”.

    “The tenability of the constitution of the September 12 (1980) coup has already expired,” Erdogan said.

    The Turkish leader said the draft constitutional amendments to be tabled next week “would guarantee the education and employment rights of all our girls and sisters, whether they are wearing a headscarf or uncovered, and protect our family institution from the threat.” of perverse currents.”

    Opinion polls indicate that Erdogan has lost some support amid high inflation of over 83%. Observers believe Erdogan has taken an anti-LGBTQ stance to unite his conservative backers.

    Erdogan also reiterated plans — first proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin — for Turkey to become an energy hub to supply Russian gas to European countries. Analysts say the plan is unlikely to materialize, given European countries’ efforts to reduce their dependence on Russian energy.