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32 Foods That Start With V +++ Updated For 2022

    When the letter V is mentioned, one can’t help but think of the sweet taste of vanilla. But how many foods beginning with V could there be, and how do they taste?

    This article will take you around the world with foods starting with the letter V, giving you comprehensive details about each. Look out for your favorite dish!

    The List: 32 Foods That Start With V

    1. Vada Pav

    Vada pav is one of the most common fast foods in Mumbai, India. It consists of deep-fried potato, chutney, and green chili pepper, all sandwiched between a halved bun.

    Also known as the Bombay burger, vada pav is a delicious snack.

    To save time, you can prepare the chutneys in advance and refrigerate them to easily make the vada whenever you want to eat it. The refrigerated chutneys will keep for up to a week.

    2. Valerian

    Valerian, Valeriana officinalis, is a green, flowering herb native to Europe and Asia.

    Traditionally, valerian is not eaten; instead, customarily used as a medicinal herb since ancient Greek and Roman times.

    Valerian is often used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and stress, but adequate scientific evidence is needed to support its uses.

    3. Vanilla

    Vanilla, Vanilla planifolia is a flat-leaved vining orchid native to Mexico and Belize. Vanilla is among the most sought-after spices in culinary, perfume production, and aromatherapy.

    It has many uses but is commonly used in baked products, western desserts, ice creams, puddings, custards, chocolates, and other confectionery products.

    Today, vanilla is commercially produced in Madagascar, Comoro Islands, Indonesia, Mexico, and Reunion Island, France. Vanilla is a high-maintenance and labor-intensive plant making it one of the most expensive spices in the world.

    Europeans prefer using vanilla beans, which is more time-consuming, while North Americans prefer vanilla extract. Vanilla extract is made by dousing vanilla beans in a solution of water and ethanol.

    Pure vanilla extract is brown, but there’s artificial vanilla (vanilla essence), which can be colorless. Vanilla extract is very concentrated, and a few drops are adequate for most uses.

    Vanilla beans emit the strongest vanilla flavor in the absence of alcohol as used in vanilla extract.

    When using vanilla beans, one bean is placed in about a half-liter of water, boiled, and allowed to cool for one hour.

    The water can be used for cooking, and the bean is buried in sugar in an airtight container for two to three weeks. The sugar then carries a strong vanilla flavor and can then be used in various recipes.

    Ground vanilla beans are also used in culinary activities.

    Whole vanilla beans are ground and processed into a wettish powder. The powder is more heat resistant than vanilla extract making it suitable for cookies and rice pudding. It is also used in ice cream.

    1. Vanillerostbraten

    Vanillerostbraten is a German word for vanilla roast beef. It is an Austrian beef dish from Viennese cuisine.

    Contrary to its name, the dish is flavored with garlic and not vanilla.

    This is because garlic was known as the vanilla of the poor when the dish was first created.

    To make Vanillerostbraten, thin slices of roast beef are seasoned with salt and pepper on each side, and peeled garlic cloves are pressed onto the meat. It is fried in butter in a pan until both sides are well-cooked.

    It is usually served with brown bouillon, a sauce (made of garlic and other spices) and fried onion rings. It can also be served with fried potatoes.

    5. Vanocka

    Vanocka is a braided bread from the Czech Republic and traditionally made at Christmas.

    The dough is rolled into separate strands, which are then plaited into a long loaf shape. The bread’s shape represents baby Jesus wrapped in a cloth and symbolizes a new life.

    The dough is rich in eggs and butter, and lemon rind and rum give it color and flavor.

    Raisins and almonds are sprinkled on top before it is baked. Vanocka takes time to prepare, but it’s worth it.

    You can slice the bread, add butter and a little jam, and eat it with coffee or cocoa for your holiday breakfast.

    6. Varenyky

    Varenyky are Ukrainian half-moon-shaped stuffed dumplings boiled in salted water.

    There are various fillings, such as mashed potatoes, ripe blueberries, ground meat, mushrooms, farmer cheese, cherries, and cooked cabbage.

    The dumplings are labor-intensive. You can make plenty when you have time and freeze them for up to six months, and then just boil them when you want to eat them. Varenyky is served with sour cream.

    Varenyky has low-calorie content, so you can enjoy it guilt-free while you’re on a special diet.

    7. Vasterbotten Pie

    Västerbotten or västerbottensost pie is a Swedish pie made with västerbotten cheese from northern Sweden.

    Västerbotten can be substituted with mature cheddar cheese.

    The pie crust is pre-baked dough. The filling is made of eggs, milk, cream, grated cheese, salt, and pepper all stirred together. You can change the pie flavor by adding chestnut mushrooms or top it with chopped fried bacon.

    You can cook and refrigerate the pie for up to two days except for the mushroom version which should only be prepared before serving.

    The pie can function as a starter or as a main dish with cold smoked salmon and salad. You can also top the pie with lemon and parsley or dill and serve with a plain fish roe sauce. This dairy-rich pie is a good source of calcium.

    8. Veal

    Veal is meat from calves. Technically it can be from male or female calves, bunt in practice it is usually from male calves as females are kept for dairy use.

    Veal is classified differently depending on the age of the calf, which can be from two hours up to six months.

    Since veal is low in fat and has lots of connective tissue, large cuts require long slow cooking to soften.

    Schnitzel is a German and Austrian dish of pan-fried veal cutlets covered with breadcrumbs. Other veal dishes include veal parmigiana a popular Italian American dish, scallopini Italian dish, and an escalope in French cuisine.

    Veal is a good source of niacin, zinc, and vitamin B6 and B12.

    It is delicious and healthier than some other meats due to its low-fat content and low cholesterol.

    You can eat veal with numerous dishes including, grilled vegetables, potatoes, rice, whole grains, side salads, noodles, spaghetti, cucumber-yogurt sauce, etc.

    9. Vegetable Fern

    Vegetable fern, Diplazium esculentum, is a kind of edible fern native to Asia and the Pacific.

    It has been introduced to countries in North America and Africa as a food source and an ornamental plant.

    The young tender fronds are boiled, blanched, or stir-fried, added to salads, or eaten as vegetables. They have low levels of nutrients such as beta-carotene, riboflavin, calcium, iron, proteins, vitamin C & E, and antioxidants.

    10. Vegetable Hummingbird

    The vegetable hummingbird or Sesbania grandiflora is a small legume tree native to southeast Asia.

    The tree has many names and thrives in hot, humid climates, especially in south Florida, where it is naturalized.

    Vegetable hummingbird’s raw or cooked flowers can be added to salads, fried, or used in curries, or boiled as vegetables. White flowers are preferable to red ones since they are less bitter.

    Raw or cooked seed pods are boiled and consumed like string beans, and very young seed pods are added to salads, stews, or vegetables.

    Vegetable hummingbird seeds are rich in protein.

    The tree’s bark secretes a clear gum that is often used to solidify foods. The tree has numerous medicinal properties, but professional advice must be sought before using it.

    11. Vegetable Pears

    Vegetable pears, Sechium edule, are commonly known as chayote or mirliton squash. It is light-green, pear-shaped, and comes from the gourd family.

    It is native to Mexico but is also cultivated in many Latin American nations and the Southern Western United States.

    The vegetable pear is botanically classified as a fruit but is often used as a vegetable. All its parts are edible: the fruits, seeds, leaves, and roots. The fruit can be eaten raw or slightly cooked.

    Because vegetable pears taste like cucumbers, you can do quite a lot with them. Add peeled raw chayote matchsticks to salads, or marinate the raw fruit with lemon or lemon juice or pickle it in a mixture of vinegar, spices, and onions before adding it to your salad. You can even bake them into a dessert. Cooked or raw, vegetable pear is an excellent source of vitamin C, antioxidants, vitamin B6, potassium, amino acids, and fiber.

    12. Vegetarian Chili

    There are many ways to make vegetarian chili, but the essential ingredients are vegetables, spices, and plant-based proteins – along with tomatoes, beans, cumin and oregano.

    When making a veggie chili, you will want to mash the cooked vegetables gently after simmering to achieve a chili-like consistency. You can top the chili with chopped cilantro, sour cream, Greek yogurt, avocado, shredded cheese, or lime juice, and serve it with rice. You can serve it fresh or freeze it for up to four days.

    13. Veggie Burger

    A veggie burger is a meatless burger patty. It is often made from ingredients like mushrooms, nuts, seeds, or beans (black beans, soybean, tofu, etc.) and various vegetables.

    The vegetables are steamed, drained, and mashed with precooked beans. The mashed patty is dipped in batter, coated with breadcrumbs, and fried to form a golden to brown crust.

    The patty is placed on one half of a toasted bun and topped with lettuce, chopped tomatoes, ring onions, and a little sauce or thick yogurt. The other half of the toasted bun is placed on top, and the veggie burger is ready to eat.

    You can enjoy the burger on its own or serve it with potato wedges, crispy corn, cheese balls, or crispy cauliflower on the side. Veggie burgers usually don’t include preservatives, unlike their meat counterpart, making them healthier alternatives.

    14. Veloute Sauce

    Veloute sauce is one of the French’s ‘mother sauces.’ It is made from roux and stock. Stock is obtained from boiling non-roasted bones or fish.

    To prepare the roux, melt butter over medium heat, add flour, whisk, and cook until you get a blond color. Add your stock slowly while stirring until you achieve a silky-smooth consistency to get the sauce.

    Season it with salt and pepper, and it’s ready for use. You can use veloute sauce in various dishes such as soups or sauces, but it is best for poultry and seafood dishes.

    15. Velvet Apple

    Velvet apple, Diospyros blancoi, is an edible velvety fruit native to the Philippines and Taiwan.

    It can be reddish-orange or reddish-brown with fur-like skin. It has a creamy pink flesh with a similar taste to peaches.

    The fruit is often eaten raw and peeled. You slice and top it with lime juice or lemon before eating.

    You can use it in salads or desserts with other tropical fruits. You can also puree it and use it in beverages or dry it for later use. You can also store the fruit in the fridge for one week.

    You can sauté fry an immature velvet apple and serve it with meat dishes as a vegetable side dish. Velvet apple is rich in calcium, potassium, vitamins A, B, C, and dietary fiber.

    16. Velvet Bean

    The velvet bean, Mucuna pruriens, is an annual climbing legume native to southern China and eastern India and grows in other parts of the world.

    Velvet beans are used as forage, green manure crops, and human food.

    You can cook and consume them as whole beans.

    You can roast and grind them into powder and add it to milk, soups, bread or tortillas. You can also buy them as capsule supplements from drug stores.

    The edible beans have various benefits:

    • They contain Levodopa (L-Dopa), a compound that helps improve brain function
    • They boost memory
    • They’ve been used as snakebite antidote for many years in some communities
    • They have antibacterial properties
    • They are believed to help treat Parkinson’s disease, mood disorders, and male sexual dysfunctions

    However, the beans should be eaten with caution since too much can lead to high levels of L-Dopa, which can cause hallucinations. People with liver disease and pregnant women should avoid eating them.

    17. Velvet Tamarind

    Velvet tamarind is a sweet and sour fruit native to southeast Asia and western Africa. Known as Dialium cochinchinense, this edible fruit is light green when young and black when mature.

    The fruit’s pulp is consumed raw or soaked in water and drunk as a beverage. It is also used as a flavor in non-alcoholic beverages and snacks. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, and sodium.

    Velvet tamarind has a wealth of health benefits, including:

    • Ulcer treatment and prevention of hypertension
    • Improvement of oral hygiene and curing of toothaches
    • Boosts the immune system and improves lactation
    • Treats wounds, improves digestion, metabolism and prevents constipation
    • It is a powerful antioxidant and regulates cell functions among many other functions

    However, if intending to go for surgery, you should stop eating the fruit at least two weeks before surgery to avoid blood sugar interference.

    18. Venado

    Venado is a Spanish dish containing deer meat (venison) common in Mexico. The deer meat is cut into small pieces or shredded and then made into a stew with other ingredients such as potatoes, tomatoes, onions, carrots, and spices.

    Deer meat can also be shredded and added into a chopped mixture of onions, cilantro, and radishes. The mixture is seasoned with salt, dressed with sour orange juice, and consumed as a salad (salpicón de Venado).

    19. Viagra Palm

    Viagra palm, Calamus erectus, also known as tara, is a non-climbing plant native to India.

    The palm’s young shoots and leaves are often eaten as vegetables but can also be chewed raw. The seeds are also chewed.

    The fruit is loaded with vitamin A, C, & E, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. The plant is utilized in traditional medicine as it is believed to have antioxidant and anti-diabetic properties.

    20. Vichyssoise

    Vichyssoise is a potato and leek soup of French origin. It was introduced to America by French chef Louis Diat as a chilled drink to help keep the patrons of Ritz Carlton cool during summer.

    To prepare the soup, leeks and onions are sauteed, potatoes, salt, water, or stock are added, and the mixture is simmered for 30-40 minutes. The soup is pureed until smooth, cooled, and mixed with sour cream and whipping cream. The hot soup tastes good although it was created to be a cold soup. You can garnish it with chopped fresh chives and serve it at room temperature.

    21. Victoria Sponge

    The Victoria sponge cake, also known as a Victoria sandwich cake, was Queen Victoria’s favorite cake. It is a simple sponge cake filled with jam. The top is neither iced nor decorated but dusted with caster sugar.

    Traditionally, the cake was made by manually mixing caster sugar with butter and beaten eggs, then adding flour and a raising agent.

    Modern methods use an electric mixer or processor to whisk all the ingredients together. The Victoria sponge cake is a firm favorite at teatime.

    22. Vietnamese Spring Rolls

    Also known as rice rolls, goi cuon, cold rolls, etc, Vietnamese spring rolls are a combination of prawns, vegetables, pork, herbs, and other ingredients wrapped in rice paper. All the ingredients are separately cooked, and the dish is served cold as soon as it is wrapped in rice paper.

    It can be served with peanut sauce, a fish sauce-based condiment, or other Vietnamese dipping sauces. Vietnamese Spring Rolls contain a high amount of omega-3, so it’s a good snack for the heart.

    23. Vinaigrette

    Vinaigrette is a vinegar and olive oil-based salad dressing of French origin. Vinaigrette is simple to make and has many variations. Apart from the basic olive oil and vinegar, some honey, salt, and pepper will make it fantastic.

    Different people may choose to add various ingredients such as garlic, Dijon mustard, maple syrup, ginger, and herbs (mint, basil, parsley, dill, etc). You can use different types of vinegar for different tastes. You can serve it right away or store it in the fridge for up to one week. Vinaigrette offers health benefits such as improving the health of the heart and can help in weight loss.

    24. Vindaloo

    Vindaloo is a fiery spicy Indian curry dish. It is made of slow-cooked meat spiced with cumin, cardamon, coriander, vinegar, and lots of Kashmiri chili powder. The curry is often served with rice. You can include some plain yogurt to cool down the spiciness. Even though vindaloo is known to be spicy, it contains health benefits thanks to its nutritious ingredients such as turmeric and fresh herbs.

    25. Vinegar

    Vinegar is an acidic liquid with numerous uses.

    The name originated from the French word ‘vin aigre’ meaning sour wine. Vinegar has multiple culinary uses such as pickling brines, baking, salad dressings, sauces, soups, and an acidic cooking ingredient. There are many varieties of vinegar such as fruit, palm, balsamic, cane, grains, and spirits.

    26. Vinegret

    Vinegret salad is a traditional Russian salad with beets as the main ingredients. It is a popular dish for various occasions. Potatoes, beets, carrots, peas, and onions are chopped and cooked, and seasoned with salt, black pepper and sunflower oil or olive oil. You can also add some sauerkraut.

    You can preserve the salad in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days. Serve it cold with grilled meats, Russian pork kabobs, buckwheat patties, and Russian herring salad.

    Because of its healthy ingredients, vinegret has low-calorie content and can help in digestion.

    27. Vinyali

    Vinyali is a spicy pork dish typical in Kerala, southern India, and Malayalees, Malaysia. Ginger and chili are used to prepare this dish. However, due to its spiciness, it is often confused with vindaloo. Vinyali is often eaten with a salad or as a snack.

    28. Virgin Olive Oil

    Virgin olive oil is extracted by cold pressing of olives with no heat involved. It is not blended with other oils and contains about 2% acidity.

    Virgin olive oil is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties and has become popular with many fashionable diets.

    Virgin olive oil is used for low-temperature cooking or cold salads and dishes. The oil has a low smoke point, so you can’t use it for high-temperature cooking. Use pure or plain olive oil instead.

    29. Vlaai

    Vlaai is a traditional pie originating from Limburg, Netherlands. It is also found in Belgium and Germany. Vlaai is eaten on special occasions and during significant life events. Often around 30cm in diameter, the pie is a pastry filled with delicious fruits such as apricots, strawberries, plums, and cherries. You can also substitute fruit fillings with cooked rice and custard or top it with a mixture of crumbled butter and sugar.

    30. Vobla

    Vobla or Caspian roach is a small fish found in the Caspian Sea. Russians often enjoy this salt-dried fish with their beer. Vobla is packed with proteins that are good for the cardiovascular system.

    31. Volkamer Lemon

    Volkamer lemon is a yellow-orange hybrid fruit believed to originate from Italy. It is also grown in Europe, the United States, and eastern Asia. The edible fruits are rich in vitamin C and their juice is used to treat scurvy. Vitamin C is also popular for boosting immunity and preventing common colds and flu. Volkamer lemon is used as a lower-acid substitute for common lemon. It is consumed the same way as an ordinary lemon.

    32. Vorschmack

    Vorschmack is a traditional Finnish dish of mixed meat and fish but is also standard in East European, Jewish, and Russian cuisines.

    A mixture of onions, lamb, and beef meats is well roasted and chopped in the original recipe.

    Garlic, pickled herring, anchovies, and water are added, and the mixture is slowly simmered until soft, mixed with gravy, and served hot. Vorschmack is a perfect accompaniment for potatoes and pickled beets with sour cream as a topping.