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Thai man in coma after foreign Porsche owners brutally attacked him

    A 47-year-old Thai man is in critical condition after two Frenchmen attacked him in an unprovoked attack caught on camera.

    Somkuan Songkhot picked up his wife, Lakhana Salao, from her cleaning job at Central Mall in Koh Samui, Surat Thani Province, on Oct. 15 and was driving home on their motorcycle when they were passed by a white Porsche with number plates from Bangkok. According to Lakhana, Somkuan had said: “That car is so beautiful, when will we get such a car?” They reportedly followed the Porsche to appreciate it a little longer before passing.

    The Porsche then reportedly started tailgating the couple’s motorcycle and honked at them until they stopped at the side of the road for a grilled pork stall. The driver of the car parked the Porsche perpendicular to the road and blocked traffic. Lakhana said Somkuan saw that the two passengers were foreigners and thought they might be lost, so he approached them and asked in English if they needed help.

    Just then, a man in a black shirt stepped out of the passenger side of the Porsche and attacked Somkuan. A mobile video of the incident shows the man kicking and punching Somkuan in the face, causing him to fall and hit his head hard against the pavement, knocking him unconscious. It is unclear whether the driver, who is shirtless in the video, also assaulted Somkuan.

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    Police arrested and charged both the 28- and 34-year-old French, who confessed to assaulting Somkuan, with assaulting another person who caused serious injuries. Their car was also seized by the police.

    Somkuan was rushed to Koh Samui Hospital, where he is said to have undergone emergency surgery to treat a brain haemorrhage and remains in critical condition.

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