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33 Foods That Start With Q

    Many things bind us together as human beings and sets us apart. For example, food brings people of different cultures and beliefs together at one table. You may be living in Asia, but you can enjoy the culture of Mexico with the juicy tacos.

    Here is a list of some food items from all over the world that start with the most interesting letter of the alphabet, “Q”:

    The List: 33 Foods That Start With Q

    1. Qeema

    The literal definition of qeema is ground or minced meat. Qeema is a staple dish in Indian and Pakistani cuisines and different recipes are used to prepare it. For example, matar qeema (qeema with peas), aloo qeema (qeema with potatoes), and fancy dum ka qeema, usually served during dawat.

    Any type of ground meat can be used including chicken, beef, and goat. In Pakistan, beef mince is usually used to prepare the different variations. Whereas goat or lamb mince is used in India.

    2. Qishta

    Qishta is an evaporated milk dessert prepared with condensed or heated milk and plays an important role in Lebanese cuisine. Being one of the oldest desserts, qishta began as a homemade product and gradually reached the zenith of fame over the years.

    Originally, the producers preferred fresh over dry milk, but they had to switch to powdered milk because of a shortage of milk. The total process takes over 3 hours, as the milk has to be heated, processed, drained, cooled, packaged and stored.

    3. Qistibi

    Qistibi is a popular traditional dish in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. Even though it belongs to the people in Tatar, it is also cooked and loved by Bashkir people who reside in Russia. The dish is easy to prepare and very popular amongst households. It is a non-fermented flatbread prepared with different fillings, most commonly potatoes.

    Preparing it is a unique process because the filling is put on one half and then covered with the other half. The bread is versatile in the way that it is served both for breakfast and as the main course.

    4. Qoiri

    Qoiri is a cuisine of the lands of Tibet and is a stew made of mutton chops. Apart from the mutton chops, the ingredients include flour, wheat in shredded form, chilies, salt, curd, and water.

    The recipe and ingredients may vary according to the region. For example, people living in the Southwestern region of Tibet add a more pungent cheese to the stew. It’s time to try this Tibetan delight on your menu and add to your flavor adventures.

    5. Qottab

    Qottab is essentially a Persian pastry filled with walnuts. This traditional Irani treat is flaky, delicate, and a perfect Persian dessert. The pastry originated from Yazd, a place in Iran famous for its sweets and pastries. It becomes the staple treat for every household during the Persian New Year (Nowruz).

    This popular dessert is time-consuming to prepare. Still, it has a straightforward easy-to-follow recipe and can be added to the dinner table.

    6. Quadrettini Pasta

    Quadrettini Pasta is a small square-shaped or triangular-shaped pasta. The pasta is delicate and prepared using egg dough. The homemade versions often contain grated nutmeg as well. This minute pasta is also a leftover pasta, commonly produced from the remains of fettuccine cooked for special events.

    The pasta is best in thin broths with julienne cut vegetables and croutons. In Austria, quadrettini pasta is eaten with ham steaks and cabbage sticks. It is very easy to prepare and quadrettini pasta can be found in almost all Italian kitchens.

    7. Quail

    Quail is a game bird that can still be found at your local butcher, and if you like to hunt, you may have enjoyed it more frequently. What’s great about the bird is that it’s one of the easiest ways to cook.

    In classic French cuisine, quail meat is served pink. The meat, like duck, remains flavorful and luscious even when thoroughly cooked, making it simple to prepare.

    Regardless of the cooking method, the bird is so small that it is cooked through when the skin turns brown. Keep this in mind when preparing quail for a more flavorful experience. Its eggs are highly recommended for pregnant women because they can enhance the quality of breastmilk.

    8. Quandong

    If you are not from Australia, it’s highly unlikely that you have heard about quandong. Quandong is the name for a small desert tree, which is small in height, has a rough dark bark, and long pale leaves.

    The fruit is shiny scarlet and 2cm in diameter with a large nut. The fruit contains generous amounts of vitamin C and is used by indigenous tribes to make pies, tarts, and jams. Have you ever tried this unique fruit?

    9. Quark

    Quark is a dairy product made from sour milk. The milk is warmed until it curdles and turns into cheese. The end product is firm, creamy, and can be found in almost all German kitchens.

    Because it is so high in protein, quark falls within the category of healthy food if consumed in moderation. When we look at its nutritional profile, we can see that it contains vitamins A, B, and calcium, which can be beneficial additions to your weekly diet plan.

    10. Quassia

    Quassia is a plant also known as bitterwood. The tree is native to the West Indies and commonly found in Jamaica. Quassia chips are used to make bitters and tonics.

    The plant’s bark is used to formulate medicines and helps with issues related to the appetite. Some benefits of Quassia include the treatment of anorexia, eating disorders, indigestion, fever, and constipation. Quassia remains one of the prized ingredients in herbal medicine due to its several benefits.

    11. Queen Cake

    These are small, individual cakes that are prepared using simple ingredients. The recipe for Queen Cakes dates back to the 18th century, and it remains almost the same to date. These cakes were particularly popular during the era of Queen Victoria.

    The main ingredients include eggs, flour, sugar, and dried currants. They are baked in little tins, patty pans, bun tins, and even little heart-shaped ones. The taste of these cakes is sweet and buttery, while the addition of dried currants provides a tangy aftertaste.

    12. Queen Elizabeth Cake

    Queen Elizabeth Cake is a cake made with dates and topped with coconut. The origin of the cake is not confirmed; however, some say that it was first made at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in 1953. But there is also speculation that the cake was first made for her father, King George, and Queen Mary in 1937.

    The highlight of this royal dessert is the coconut topping. It is sticky and chewy, which goes well with the rich date cake underneath. As the name suggests, the cake is fit for a queen and can be served at afternoon or high tea.

    13. Queen Olives

    Queen Olives are Spanish in origin and also known as Gordal. They are very delicate and harvested by hand to avoid scarring or bruising. The color of these olives ranges from straw green to green with a firm flesh.

    These large-sized olives can be stuffed with pimento to form colossal stuffed olives with a spicy kick. These royal olives have a meaty texture and are best served cold. They pair well with vegetables, meat, and salads. They have also proven to be delicious as snacks and martini olives.

    Olives, in general, are high in vitamin E and antioxidants. Studies suggest that adding them to your diet can be good for your heart.

    14. Queen Palm Fruit

    The queen palm fruit or queen palm dates grow in bunches and have a similar shape to grapes. These are found in the world’s tropical regions and are native to Brazil. They are initially green but turn orange as they grow. The fruit is fibrous and has an inedible seed coating.

    Queen’s palm is rich in minerals and vitamins, making it a healthy option for people on a diet or those who have diabetes.

    15. Queijadinha

    Queijadinha is a sweet that originated in Portugal, one of the region’s major sugar producers. The dish is now a must-have dessert on the Brazilian dinner table because it is considered part of the enslaved people’s struggle.

    There are various recipes available for the dish, the main difference being the presence or absence of cheese. The most prominent ingredients used in the preparation include coconut, sugar, egg yolks, cheese, condensed milk, and butter.

    16. Queijo De Nisa

    Queijo de nisa is mature cheese that is made from the milk of the Merino sheep breed. The cheese is semi-hard and is still made traditionally. The cheese has been popular as a main source of protein in the Alentejo region. It is also known as the “breadbasket.”

    The color of the cheese is pale yellow and has tiny air bubbles. The flavor of this cheese is creamy and sweet with notes of walnuts. It is best consumed with bread and wine.

    17. Quenelle

    Quenelle is part of French cuisine and is a sort of dumpling filled with finely chopped fish or meat that has been poached in stock. The dumplings are usually oval and served as an appetizer or part of the main course. It is believed that quenelle was first invented in the 19th century and served with a hearty and flavorsome crayfish sauce.

    18. Quesadilla

    Quesadilla is a famous Mexican dish comprising a tortilla and some fillings usually paired with cheese, chicken or beef, vegetables, different sauces, and guacamole. The delicate folds and adequate heat for toasting make the cheese melt perfectly, then served with salsa and/or sour cream, is a treat to the mouth.

    The term “quesadilla” literally means “a little cheesy thing” and tastes exactly as delicious as it sounds. Quesadillas are available in any Mexican restaurant around the globe and are a favorite for those who enjoy the spicy goodness of Mexican cuisine.

    19. Quesito

    Quesito is a traditional baked-filled pastry from Puerto Rico and is very popular. The dessert is made with dough shaped into a cigar. The pastry is then filled generously with sweet creams and fruits. If you are planning to visit Puerto Rico, we suggest that you eat some quesitos for breakfast or with a cup of coffee.

    20. Quessabiria

    Quessabiria is another popular Mexican dish and a variation of the traditional tacos. These tacos are rich, vibrant red and filled with braised beef and cheese and dipped in beef broth.

    The highlight is the consommé, prepared during the braising process and brimming with flavorful goodness. Quessabiria tacos are the new hot favorite and can be found anywhere, especially social media. The crunch, spice, and cheesy goodness have made it a much-loved dish.

    21. Quesso

    Quesso is meant to be used as a dipping sauce, just like mayo but a lot more fancy and classier. It is a Mexican-inspired entree or a side dish consisting of cheese and diced chili pepper. It has had its fair share of fame and has gracefully paved up the road to become an unofficial dish of Texas.

    The best part about this dip is that it can be customized up to your liking. You can throw in some jalapenos or add lavish toppings or boujee sauces to give it a quality taste. You can use it as a dip for tacos or drizzle it over ground meat for a nice touch.

    22. Quesso Blanco

    Queso Blanco in Spanish means “white cheese.” The cheese is soft and crumbly and is mostly used in Mexican or Latin American cuisines. The flavor of the cheese is fresh and tangy; it has to be sold within a few days of preparation.

    An additional bonus of the famous cheese is that it does not melt, making it perfect for garnishment. The cheese is eaten both fresh and fried. Once fried, the cheese becomes golden brown, crispy from the outside, and tender inside.

    23. Quetschentaart

    Quetschentaart is a fruit tart associated with autumn and is usually available in bakeries throughout that season. It’s a Luxembourgish Damson tart and is prepared with damson plums, or zwetschgen. The dough for the tart contains the usual ingredients such as yeast, milk, flour, and butter. The dish originated from Germany but is now known as the official dish of Luxembourg.

    24. Quibebe

    Quibebe is a hearty vegetable soup and is a popular in Brazilian cuisine. This vegetable stew is made using onions, winter squash, and peppers.

    Unlike the usual stews or soups, this dish is not thin but has a thick consistency and texture, more like a puree. The soup has butternut squash as its main ingredient. Quibebe is usually served before the main course as a starter.

    25. Quiche

    The heart of the French lies in this deliciously cooked tart with a classic pastry base. The crust is infused with savory custard, meat, and a hint of cheese, along with finely chopped vegetables. This exquisite dish is heartedly eaten hot and cold.

    Out of all the varieties, the famous one has to be quiche lorraine. All the credit is due to the crispy bacon mixed with the savory custard. This is certainly not the healthiest food option, but the taste is worth the extra calories.

    26. Quick Bread

    Quick bread is bread that is prepared using baking powder instead of yeast. Thus, the bread does not need to be kneaded or proofed for hours. Even though the bake time for the bread is longer, the bread is considered easier and speedier to make. Examples of quick bread are banana bread, cornbread, zucchini bread, and soda bread.

    27. Quince

    Quince is a fruit that resembles a pear and an apple in shape. It is believed that the apple evolved into its current form from the quince and that the forbidden fruit of paradise was actually the quince. In Greek mythology, we see references to the association between the fruit and the goddess of love.

    The fruit is rich yellow and has a very pleasant fragrance. The raw fruit is hard and acidic but turns a lovely orange once cooked. The fruit of paradise is low in calories and has moderate amounts of vitamin C.

    28. Quindim

    This is a Brazilian dessert made using egg yolks, coconut, flour, and butter. Quindim has a custard-like consistency and is similar to a Spanish flan. The custard is dark yellowish because of a large amount of egg yolks used and is one of the most popular desserts in Brazil.

    Quindim is thought to have originated in Portuguese baked delicacies because of the excessive usage of egg yolks. Bahia enslaved people later modified it in Brazil in the 17th century.

    29. Quinoa

    Quinoa is a nutrition-dense food, or “superfood,” that has recently caught the eyes of the world. It is a seed known as “pseudo-grain,” meaning it can be used as a grain like rice or wheat, but it isn’t actually a grain.

    These extraordinarily healthy and gluten-free seeds are available in many areas around the world in various types, red, black, and white being the most popular ones. Just like the variety of colors, they differ in nutrition composition too. Quinoa is packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fiber. People suffering from high cholesterol, sugar, and triglycerides levels should incorporate this into their daily diet.

    30. Qumështor me petë

    Qumështore is a simple baked custard of Albanian origin and is a delicious addition to the dessert table. The ingredients consist of eggs, milk, butter, flour, and sugar. Qumëshore remains a part of the Albanian tradition where orthodox Albanians enjoy the treat before Lent.

    Making qumështore is pretty simple as it includes mixing the ingredients and then baking it in the oven until it turns golden brown. The cake is best served chilled and even has some variations where flavors such as vanilla extract, lemon, or orange are added.

    31. Quorn

    Quorn originated from the UK and is a meat substitute. Its highly natural key ingredient “mycoprotein” comes from fungi. It is an excellent source of protein and fiber, supplies a meat-like texture, and is a first-hand replica of the taste, though it proves to be even better for the environment.

    People who eat quorn instead of meat are at a relatively lower risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. People who are planning to switch to a plant-based diet but are facing difficulty giving up on meat should indeed switch to Quorn. Would you try Quorn instead of meat as your primary source of protein?

    32. Qurabiya

    Qurabiya is a shortbread biscuit that is made of ground almonds and believed to have originated from Persia. The ingredients of these cookies include egg whites, sugar, eggs, almond flour, and nuts. The recipe is straightforward and like that of Naankhatai, an Indian biscuit.

    Different versions of Qurabiya are found all across the countries under the Ottoman Empire. These soft cookies are served with tea or mint tea in Egypt and Maghreb.

    33. Quzi

    The national dish of Iraq, Quzi leaves a beautiful impression on any gathering. It is lamb cooked slowly on a low flame and traditionally served with yellow rice and crispy almonds. Unlike other food options, Quzi can be eaten with yogurt because of the subtle spices it contains. Serve it as a hearty meal and share it with friends and family.