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Can you use Egg Only for baking? – CBNewz

    Substituting in baking is always a challenging and nerve-wracking experience, especially when trying to make vegan food. Some recipes are very delicate and any change will ruin them – so can you use Just Egg to bake?

    Can you use Just Egg for baking? Just Egg is a fantastic product for baking and should work well as a substitute for real eggs in almost any recipe. You’ll rarely be able to tell the difference in the end product, so this is an ideal solution when you need to make your baked goods vegan-friendly.

    Can you only use eggs for baking?

    Just Egg is a super versatile ingredient that’s perfect for all kinds of egg substitutes – including baking. It does all the important jobs that egg does in your recipes, adding structure and fat, which are the two main purposes of eggs in baking.

    Eggs are often one of the hardest things to replace when it comes to making vegan foods. There aren’t really any other foods like eggs, and while you can sometimes swap out another item, it’s rarely easy, and most swaps are recipe-specific and won’t work in every recipe.

    For example, you can use applesauce as an egg substitute, but you wouldn’t do this in many baked goods — it only works in some.

    That’s why Just Egg has become so popular; it almost always works and isn’t particularly dependent on your recipe. It’s worth trying if you’re trying to go green in your kitchen and want to reduce or eliminate eggs in your diet.

    What can you do if you only use egg?

    There are many things you can make including breads, muffins, cakes, cookies and brownies. It’s also used in many savory dishes, but it’s great for almost all types of baked goods, and if you’ve been missing your favorite treat, it’ll revolutionize your kitchen. Almost any baked goods that require beaten whole eggs will work with Just Egg.

    However, Just Egg cannot be separated into egg whites and yolks, so it won’t work if you want to follow a recipe that calls for one or the other. It can only be used to replace whole eggs that do not require separation.

    If you’re unsure whether your recipe will work with Just Egg, it’s a good idea to try a small amount first and see how it performs. While Just Egg is a reliable substitute, it’s very frustrating wasting time and ingredients on a recipe that doesn’t work – so always test it first if you can.

    how much egg do you need

    Since Just Egg is not wrapped in a shell, you might find the measurements difficult at first. As a rough guide, use about 3 tablespoons of Just Egg per egg you replace. If you only need 1 egg, you should use about ¼ cup Just Egg. Use 1/2 cup for 2 eggs.

    You’ll probably gradually find yourself refining your recipes as you start using Just Egg a lot because you’ll get a feel for exactly how much egg is needed. One of the great things about this product is that you can easily increase or decrease the amount of “egg” you use. It’s difficult with real eggs!

    You may also find that you get more consistent results from your recipes because the amount of “egg” used is more consistent. When using real eggs, the sizes can vary widely, which changes the outcome of the baking, at least to some degree. Just Egg gives you more control, so it’s an attractive option.

    Interestingly, Just Egg contains similar amounts of protein as chicken eggs and no cholesterol. However, it also lacks the vitamins you would find in real eggs, so keep that in mind if you plan on using it.

    What is Just Egg made of?

    You might be surprised to learn that Just Egg is made primarily from water and mung beans! Mung beans have a fairly bland flavor that’s ideal for replacing eggs in baking, and more importantly, they offer the binding properties that so few other ingredients can match.

    If you’ve tried other vegan baked goods, you probably already know that baking without eggs often results in crumbly desserts. Eggs are sticky and combine beautifully when cooked, bringing the ingredients together in so many of our favorite treats. Taking them away makes baking much more difficult.

    Luckily, Just Egg solves this problem as it has the stickiness of eggs and holds all the ingredients together just like real eggs. It’s also creamy and has a nice texture if you taste it neat.

    Does Just Egg cook like egg?

    Just Egg is designed to mimic real egg as closely as possible and it cooks the same way. It can even be used to make scrambled eggs and omelettes, so you don’t have to change anything in your baked goods recipe when using this substitute.

    It also shouldn’t alter the flavor of your finished pastry like many other egg substitutes do. If you’ve tried things like flaxseed, chia seeds, canned pumpkin, applesauce, aquafaba, etc., you may have noticed that your recipe took on an odd taste. This can be a big problem, especially with baked goods.

    Luckily, Just Egg has little flavor and essentially just tastes like eggs. You can swap it out without worrying if your brownies will take on an odd flavor under the chocolatey goodness.

    Final Thoughts

    Many vegan products disappoint, but Just Egg certainly doesn’t. It comes very close to real eggs in taste, texture and behavior and works in pretty much any baking process. You can’t use it if you need to separate the eggs or just use the egg white or yolk, but otherwise it should work perfectly.