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Russia Says It Loses Because Ukraine Created Experimental Mutant Troops In Secret Biolabss



    Nearly five months after its futile war on Ukraine, Russia has come up with a wild new explanation for why the Kremlin’s plans for a quick takeover fell apart so spectacularly — because Ukrainian troops were turned into superhuman killing machines during “secret experiments” in US-run biolabs. , naturally.

    Let alone the countless reports of Russian troops refusing to fight by the thousands, sabotaging their own shoddy gear, and even deliberately injuring themselves to end the war, Russian lawmakers argue that the real setback for Moscow Ukrainian soldiers was “drunk.”

    That claim was made Monday by two Russian lawmakers who headed a commission to investigate “bio-laboratories” in Ukraine. Kommersant reported.

    Konstantin Kosachev, the deputy chairman of the Russian Federation Council, and Irina Yarovaya, deputy chairman of the State Duma, praised what they describe as the best findings of the “investigation”.

    Testing the blood of Ukrainian prisoners of war, they claimed, revealed “a range of diseases” that suggest they were secretly experimented with “for military purposes”.

    “And we see: the brutality and barbarity with which the military of Ukraine behave, the crimes they commit against the civilian population, those monstrous crimes they commit against prisoners of war, confirm that this system of control and creation of a cruel killing machine was implemented under the administration of the United States,” Yarovaya told reporters.

    “And the performance-enhancing drugs they continue to receive to completely neutralize the last vestiges of human consciousness and turn them into the most vicious and deadly monsters also confirm this,” she claimed.

    Curiously, she also claimed that the presence of Hepatitis A antibodies in the blood of Ukrainian prisoners was evidence of an American biolabs conspiracy, as a former Ukraine health minister was a Ukrainian-American citizen who had worked to get drugs. for the treatment of hepatitis in the country.

    “It’s very possible that this was about testing these drugs on military personnel,” Yarovaya said.

    The claims appeared to be a new take on the biolab conspiracy theory that the Russian Defense Ministry routinely rolled out to try to justify the war.

    Though the conspiracy theory dates all the way back to the Soviet Union, it has been reinforced more often by figures from the Kremlin after the February 24 invasion, as Moscow initially claimed it had invaded Ukraine in order to prevent a country led by a Jewish president from failing. in order to gain much more traction than its own domestic propaganda.

    The latest iteration appears to be aimed at explaining away Russia’s military misadventures through mutated Ukrainian forces.

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