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Tearful Kiwi woman calls for white men to stop making racist comments

    A New Zealand TikTok user tearfully asks that “white men” should be more open-minded and respectful, as as a “brown girl” she has faced racist comments on several occasions.

    Nilani, whose TikTok handle is @niiilaniii, uploaded a video to the video platform on Sunday where she tearfully explains the racism she’s experienced the past few times she went out.

    “There’s always a comment addressed to me for no reason, as if I didn’t do anything,” says Nilani. “For some reason white men justifies things like ‘My friends only go out with white girls’ or say things like ‘Oh, you’re not one to go for brown girls.’ That’s what they’ll tell their friend.”

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    Nilani repeatedly points out that she “just stands there” and advocates for white men to have more respect and open-mindedness towards her.

    “I know I’m beautiful, but in this country, New Zealand, I’m not the beauty standard and that’s okay,” Nilani said. “What I’m asking you is please don’t go out of your way to tell me I’m unwanted if I didn’t do anything.”

    “I have a hard enough time being in this country as a person of color, and believe me I’m doing my very best to put on a brave face and represent for the brown girls. I fight for us to sit down at the table, for people to give us a chance.”

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    Nilani adds that racially insensitive comments rob her of her humanity, stating that she will often be seen as nothing more than her physical appearance.

    “You reduce me to my skin color and that’s all you expect from me. And when you say things to me like ‘I only go out with white girls’ you say that every other person of every other race has the same characteristics that ‘I don’t find it attractive’ and you don’t care about their humanity, ” she says.

    Nilani gives some advice, explaining that when someone makes a racially insensitive comment, their friends should point it out and let the person know it’s disrespectful.

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    “I promise I won’t try to chase you, but I’ll buy you a damn drink if you stand up for racism when you’re around me because it’s sadly never been done before,” says Nilani.

    Many users expressed support for Nilani, while some shared their own experiences as a person of color in New Zealand.

    “I always tell everyone how much racism we feel as POC in NZ! You realize when you leave NZ how nice we are to other nationalities,” one user wrote.

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    The way you express this in such a kind, gentle and empathetic way is a true representation of your kind heart. You’re too good for this place, my girl,” wrote another.

    The video has racked up over 30,000 likes and 306,000 views since uploading.

    Featured Image: TikTok