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TikTok video of 2 Asian shoppers picking green pieces of lettuce from the supermarket attracts criticism

    Two Asian women were filmed on TikTok pulling the outer green leaves off several heads of iceberg lettuce while shopping at a Western Australian Coles store.

    TikToker James Longstaff, whose username is @longie69, posted a video on June 4 of the two women carrying a shopping cart full of loose lettuce leaves at one of the supermarket chain’s locations. You see one woman pulling the leaves from the iceberg lettuce, while the other puts them in plastic bags. At the end of the video, Longstaff says sarcastically, “That’s very hygienic.”

    While some internet users defended the two women, many others criticized the two for being unsanitary and not leaving enough for others.

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    “This is common in Europe. You have bins to dispose of the outer layers,” wrote one user.

    “They take the outer leaves that are normally discarded” [and] obviously can’t afford them,” said another user.

    “Lettuce is sold by ‘each’ not by weight, so basically they are stealing from everyone who buys a lettuce after them,” criticized one user.

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    Multiple users also viewed the shoppers as “they” and “the Chinese,” while suggesting that Asian shoppers often use “feeding chickens” as an excuse. Some commentators also mocked Asian accents while making racist jokes.

    “I’ve seen them exchange 800g eggs in egg cartons in cages,” wrote one user. When another commenter asked who “them” is, other users replied, “Chinese.”

    “Even if you say something, [say] ‘don’t speak English,’ wrote another.

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    “I don’t speak English,” one user commented.

    “Yeah, the way everyone is so casually racist in this comment section,” one user said in response to commenters.

    The video has racked up more than 545,000 views and 13,000 likes since it was uploaded.

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    Featured image via Longie69