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Sasha and Malia Obama dance for joy at LAX Reunion and isn’t Sisterhood sweet?

    Sasha and Malia Obama proved that nothing beats reuniting with family.

    TMZ captured the former first children jumping for joy at a dance as Sasha picked up Malia at the Los Angeles International Airport in a video posted early Wednesday. (Watch the video below.)

    The two reportedly spend their time in LA while older sister Malia writes for Donald Glover’s new Amazon series and Sasha attends the University of Southern California.

    Meanwhile, the “rents,” former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, are still located in the East. But seeing their kids take care of each other and enduring the oft-choked ride to the airport for each other would probably warm their hearts.

    After the siblings’ celebration, they clapped when the videographer came up a bit in their face and asked which coastal and summer fruits they preferred.

    The gossip site joked that it was apparently “classified info”.

    This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
