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Luna Foundation Guard Just Moved $1.4 Billion Bitcoin To An Exchange

    Luna Foundation Guard Just Moved $1.4 Billion Bitcoin To An Exchange

    A new decentralized cryptocurrency exchange launched today called Luna Crypto Exchange. The company’s mission is to help improve the quality of Bitcoin trading by providing a healthy and safe marketplace for investors and traders.

    A new report from the Luna Foundation Guard has revealed that they have just moved $1.4 billion of Bitcoin to an exchange. The move is likely to lead to a significant drop in the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Read more in detail here: luna crypto.

    The Luna Foundation Guard transfers billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin over the network. The wallet address “bc1q9d4ywgfnd8h43da5tpcxcn6ajv590cg6d3tg6axemvljvt2k76zs50tv4q” used to contain 42,530 BTC, but it was emptied today, May 9 at 18:34 UTC. The address has been verified as LFG’s reserve wallet in the past and it has been gradually accumulating Bitcoin for months.

    The Bitcoin has been transferred to other wallets several times and each time the entire amount was moved within minutes of confirmation. The money was distributed in wallet “bc1qsl”, with 12,530 BTC going to one address and 30,000 BTC going to another. The 30,000 BTC was split into two packs of 18,407 BTC after 7,000 BTC was added from another wallet. According to internet statistics, both items were sent to the Gemini Exchange.

    At the time of writing, the transaction was still pending confirmation.

    Luna Foundation Guard Just Moved $1.4 Billion Bitcoin To An Exchange |

    Blockchair is the source of this information.

    Do Kwon said on Twitter that he is “betting extra money”. However, it is not difficult to predict whether the Bitcoin community would enjoy a $1.2 billion sell order. It is unclear if the Bitcoin transferred to Gemini will be sold, but with the UST currency peg at risk, this is one option LFG has.

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    The “Luna Foundation Guard Just Moved $1.4 Billion Bitcoin to an Exchange” is a story about how the Luna Foundation Guard just moved $1.4 billion Bitcoin to an exchange. The foundation claims that this was done to prevent the cryptocurrency from being taken over by hackers and malicious actors. Reference: btc to usd.

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