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70% of US Workers Are Preparing for Job Losses. Here's Why

    70% of workers are preparing for possible layoffs, either by saving money or applying for a new job, according to a survey by MarketWatch Guides. Is this fear justified, or is something else at play?

    Matt Brannon, data journalist at MarketWatch Guides, joins Wealth! to share insights into the research and what Americans need to know about the future of the jobs landscape.

    Brannon discusses one of the biggest statistical findings from the study: age differences.

    “So we found that baby boomers feel more secure in their jobs. It makes sense. They've spent decades building up their seniority. While Gen Z workers, 88 percent are taking steps to avoid losing their jobs, they're trying to get ahead of it in some way,” Brannon tells Yahoo Finance. “Layoff anxiety is a term we studied to see how worried people are, and a majority of Gen Z workers and nearly half of millennials are anxious about being laid off.”

    According to Brannon, younger workers' concerns are compounded by another trend that's happening across most industries: “Younger generations are especially afraid that AI is going to take their jobs.”

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    This post was written by Nicholas Jacobino