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Donald Trump Jr. says he will continue to wear a mask for one reason

    Donald Trump Jr. may have earlier transported by railagainst mask mandates to contain the spread of COVID-19, but former President Donald Trump’s eldest son admitted on Thursday that he would continue to mask.

    Why? “For anonymity,” so he can “stay under the radar,” he wrote on Twitter. He is not alone.

    Trump Jr.’s Confession came when he questioned polls showing the majority of Americans still supported mask mandates on planes and trains, after a federal judge scrapped federal coronavirus mask mandates on public transit. The Justice Department is appealing the ruling.

    “Must be a lib poll,” the Trump scion wrote, pointing out that “about 90%” of the people he saw this week flying out of airports in Miami and Cleveland had not worn face coverings.

    “I’m in an airport right now and I can see over 60 people and can count 5 masks, including myself, but I wear one for anonymity, not because I think a small piece of cloth will do anything,” Trump Jr. added. ready.

    Later, Trump Jr. responded. on a tweet that claimed “the best part about lifting the mask mandate is you can now see with 100% certainty how many libs are on your run.”

    “99.9% I’ll keep wearing one so I can stay under the radar,” he replied.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “continue to recommend that people wear masks in all indoor public transportation settings,” according to their website.

    “When people wear a well-fitting mask or respirator over their nose and mouth when traveling indoors or on public transport, they protect themselves and those around them, including those who are immunocompromised or not yet eligible for a vaccine. and help make travel and public transport safer for everyone,” it reads.

    This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
