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You’re not a doctor and (usually) don’t even play one on TV

    White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki took another poke at Fox News reporter Peter Doocy on Monday, admonishing him, “You’re not a doctor.”

    She added, “You don’t even play one on TV — most days.”


    The latest removal occurred when Doocy asked why masks were required on airplanes — until a federal judge’s ruling Monday that they were no longer necessary — when they were not required in the White House briefing room.

    Psaki, her face a little more toned than usual, explained very carefully — like a teacher in an elementary school classroom — that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have different recommendations for different locations and situations, depending on things like COVID-19 caseloads. and the crowds at certain events.

    “Well, Peter, I’m not a doctor, you’re not a doctor—I know… OK, not a doctor,” she said, laughing in the press room. “He doesn’t play one on TV either — most days.”

    She added: “Remember that the masking guidelines are green, yellow and red. We are currently in a green zone in Washington, DC, so they don’t recommend “masking”.

    This is “based on health considerations and data that the CDC is looking at on transmissibility, as we’ve seen an increase in aircraft cases,” the press secretary explained.

    Psaki explained that the White House had called for a two-week extension for mask mandates on planes to “look at the data” before making new recommendations.

    Check it out in the tweet above.

    This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
