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Jimmy Kimmel says ‘prostitute’ Tucker Carlson just told his sickest lie yet

    Jimmy Kimmel began a scathing removal on Tuesday of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who said at a church this weekend that he has not been vaccinated against the coronavirus.

    “I have to say I don’t believe he hasn’t been vaccinated. I don’t believe in it for a second,” Kimmel said of Carlson, who has admitted to lying in the past.

    “I think he has been vaccinated,” Kimmel added. “Tucker Carlson is the vaccine equivalent of the man on the Titanic who dressed as a woman to be the first to board the lifeboat.”

    But Kimmel said that’s not what bothers him most about Carlson’s claim.

    “The sickest thing is that his audience is mostly scared and impressionable seniors, who happen to be the most vulnerable group when it comes to COVID,” he said. “This is like selling Girl Scout cookies outside a diabetes clinic.”

    And he wasn’t done yet.

    “But I’m glad to see the church welcoming prostitutes, as Jesus taught us to do,” Kimmel said. “Especially during this Holy Week.”

    See more in his Tuesday night monologue:

    This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.