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Skor Vs Heath – Heath Isn’t as Traditional as Skor

    If you enjoy candy bars, you may be comparing Skor vs Heath when it comes to toffee candy bars. This is a common comparison as many customers feel that these two candy bars are very similar.

    It is not uncommon for different brands of candy bars to be very similar to each other. There are many different kinds of candy bars that are nearly identical to other brands on the market, making them close competitors.

    This also applies to Skor and Heath candy bars which are very similar, making them hard to tell apart. This is why so many customers compare the two when they are trying to find out which candy bar is really the best option.

    Keep reading to find out whether or not Skor or Heath candy bars are better, and if one is a healthier option than the other.

    Skor Vs Heath Candy Bars

    If you enjoy chocolate candy bars, you may be comparing Skor vs Heath candy bars to each other. These candy bars are highly similar in many ways, but the majority of US customers widely prefer Heath candy bars to Skor candy bars.

    Both are considered to be toffee and chocolate candy bars with a toffee base coated in chocolate. Creating a very popular type of candy bar that the majority of people would enjoy for its taste and texture.

    Chocolate Candy on the table

    These candy bars are so similar that if you were to do a blind taste test, you may not even know the difference. This is mostly due to the fact that both have very similar ingredients, creating a similar flavor in both.

    Though there are some differences that set these candy bars apart from one another that customers may care about. So most would still be happy with either one if they were a fan of toffee and chocolate.

    So this mostly comes down to personal taste and what you prefer in your toffee and chocolate candy bar.


    Skor is made of a slab of butter toffee that is a light caramel color. It is then coated in a thick layer of milk chocolate to create a thin but hefty candy bar.

    Those Skor and Heath candy bars are nearly identical, many people can’t tell the difference in the toffee. As Skor Toffee is a bit richer in flavor and has a more chewy texture that gets stuck in your teeth

    Many have also commented on the fact that the chocolate does not taste as good as Heath chocolate does. It is not as creamy despite the fact that the chocolate and toffee are very well balanced with each other.


    Heath candy bars are made of a slab of butter toffee, very similar to Skor candy bars. Which is then coated in a thick layer of milk chocolate to create a nearly identical candy bar that most people would not be able to pick out

    Heath candy bars are very brittle and can be snapped in two with a delightful crunch. The toffee is very crunchy but has a softness to it that will not make you feel like you are damaging your teeth in the process.

    It is very buttery and creates the perfect combination with a thick layer of milk chocolate. Both the toffee and chocolate melt in your mouth, making what many customers have compared to a chocolate chip cookie.

    Many customers are divided when it comes to the almond flavor that is present and Heath bars. Some customers love it, while others find it disappointing as it distracts from the Toffee flavor.

    Is Skor Or Heath Healthier?

    When it comes to Skor versus Heath candy bars, you may be wondering which one is the healthier option. This is a common question despite the fact that most people understand that candy bars are going to be unhealthy.

    Chocolate candies

    Even though all candy bars will be relatively unhealthy in their own ways, there are some healthier options out there. So you may be wondering if one of these toffee bars is going to be healthier than the other.

    Both Skor and Heath candy bars are very similar when it comes to their nutritional qualities and ingredients. Though it is worth mentioning that Skor has twice as much cholesterol as Heath candy bars do.

    Though it also has less sodium than heath bars too, making it difficult to tell which one is healthier. The only other nutritional difference between these bars is that Skor contains 10 fewer calories per bar.

    Other than that, both of these candy bars are identical when it comes to their ingredients and nutritional qualities. Making either one a healthier option since they are so similar and are both high in calories and sugar.

    So you should base your decision on their different flavors since the nutritional qualities are so similar. Because neither one is healthy, you should reserve these candy bars for special treats and not consume them regularly.

    Heath Isn’t as Traditional as Skor

    When it comes to other details about these toffee candy bars, Skor is considered to be a more traditional toffee bar than Heath. This is due to the fact that Skor candy bars are made with English toffee.

    English toffee is made with molasses and brown sugar, two ingredients that Heath candy bars do not contain. Because of this, Heath is considered to be a butter toffee, not a traditional English toffee.

    This is why Skor toffee has a richer flavor that stands out more, while Heath toffee is more buttery in flavor. Though the majority of US customers do not seem to mind these differences as they still prefer Heath candy bars.

    But if you are looking for a more traditional Toffee flavor and experience, you should go for the Skor candy bar instead.

    Final Thoughts

    If you are comparing Skor versus Heath, both are very popular toffee candy bars, but Heath is definitely the preferred option. The majority of customers reach for Heath candy bars and prefer the flavor and texture over Skor.

    Both candy bars are equal in many different ways, including their nutritional details, as neither one is healthier than the other. Both contain very similar ingredients as well, giving them similar flavors.