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How to Keep Burger From Falling Apart? Minimal Handling

    If you like to grill burgers at home, you may be wondering how to keep your burger from falling apart. This is a common issue that people have as burgers tend to be a bit delicate and want to fall apart on you.

    This is a problem that many people who grill will face at some point in time when they are trying to cook burgers. As these patties can be quite delicate and difficult to grill while keeping them in one whole piece.

    Though there are some secrets to mastering this skill and creating homemade burger patties that are well-formed. Helping you to cook them and serve them in one piece without them crumbling apart and going to waste.

    Keep reading to find out how to keep your burger from falling apart with several different tips to help throughout the cooking process.

    How Do You Keep a Burger From Falling Apart?

    If you are grilling burgers on your grill but are having issues with them falling apart, you may be wondering how to keep them together. There are several ways to keep a burger from falling apart, such as chilling the patties and using dry ingredients.

    This is a very common issue that people have when they are grilling patties, as they tend to be quite delicate. This can result in your Patty crumbling and falling apart as it is on your grill and falling through the cracks.

    Family grilling burgers on backyard barbecue grill

    Or your patties could hold together during the cooking process and end up crumbling as you are trying to eat them. Either way, this is a very frustrating issue that happens to a lot of people who grill their own burgers at home.

    The good news is that there are several ways to try to avoid a crumbly burger that wants to fall apart. These tips will help you to avoid this issue and create solid burgers that are easy to cook and enjoyable to eat.

    Keep the Patty Dry

    One of the most important things you can do when making homemade burgers is to keep your patties dry. The best way to do this is to avoid using too many liquids in your patty recipe.

    You want your burger patties to be tender and moist, but you do not need to add liquids to achieve this. In fact, liquids are going to work against you and create a very loose patty that is going to be much more likely to fall apart.

    Instead of using liquid flavorings try to choose dry seasonings instead. This is a very simple and easy way to avoid adding excess liquids that are going to make your patty more likely to crumble during the cooking process.

    A well-cooked burger is going to be perfectly moist and tender without you having to add any extra moisture.

    Meat Burgers for Hamburger

    Chill the Patty

    Chilling the patties before you place them on the grill to cook is a great way to help them stay together. This creates a more compact patty that has had the time to really solidify and become more firm.

    The chilling process will help keep the patties firmly together as you were cooking them, allowing the cooking process to bind them together before they fall apart. This is one of the best ways to keep your patties from falling apart on the grill.

    This also allows the flavors of your patty to develop before you cook them, resulting in a more flavorful burger.

    Minimal Handling

    When you are preparing burgers, you should try to handle them as little as possible. Many people may find that their burgers fall apart simply because they are handling them too much and being too rough.

    You should only handle the burgers when you are making the patties and transferring them to the grill and then off of the grill. Try to avoid handling them too much or over-flipping them when they do not need to be flipped.

    Handling them too much is going to result in these fragile patties crumbling and falling apart before they are able to be served.

    Let It Sit

    Once you have finished cooking the patties, you should not serve them immediately. If you want your burgers to remain intact, you should set the patties aside for 5 to 10 minutes before serving them.

    This allows the patties to cool off just a little bit, enough so that they are not as fragile and hot. Hot patties are much more delicate and more likely to fall apart as you are transferring them to buns or trying to eat them.

    Male Eating Burger

    High-Quality Burgers Hold Together Better

    When you are making burgers at home, you should lean more towards high-quality ground meats. High-quality ground meat is going to hold together better and create a better end result for your burger.

    While lower quality ground meats are often a mixture of different kinds of meat and muscle, creating a less sturdy burger.

    Final Thoughts

    If you want to keep your burger from falling apart, you should try tips like chilling the patties, handling them minimally, and letting them sit after cooking. These are all tips that will help your patties to stay intact before you serve them.

    Just these small steps will make a big difference in helping your patties to be delicious and firm.