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All the ways ChatGPT can help you find a job | WIRED

    (ChatGPT via David Nield)

    Once you’ve decided what kind of jobs you want, a chatbot can help you understand everything from figuring out what a typical day looks like to the kind of skills you’ll be using, or it can help you learn more about the specific company you are applying for.

    Of course, chatbots don’t know about this, but they can make smart assumptions based on the masses of text they’ve been trained on and information from the Internet. It’s always worth double-checking important points, especially when it comes to the specifics of a company (you don’t want to bring up an inaccurate fact during an interview).

    A prompt could be as simple as, “What should someone starting a new project manager job know?” with all the decorations you want. Trying that question gave us a sense of the skills, software, and hierarchies involved.

    Prepare for job interviews

    Google via David Nield

    Think in advance about what you might be asked.

    (Google Bard via David Nield)

    When you get to the interview stage, you may want to ask a chatbot “What are the typical questions asked in an interview for the role of…” and see what answers you get. As usual, the more precise you can be in your prompt, the more tailored the answers will be. This will give you an idea of ​​what to study or how to prepare your answers.

    You can also get some ideas of what a good answer looks like. “What is the best answer to a question about…”, for example. You want to answer as yourself, not as an AI bot, but you can get some ideas and inspiration from this method. So, for example, if you’re asked about your biggest weaknesses, make sure you talk about how you’re working on them.