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Los mejores ‘prompts’ for ChatGPT

    This is another part of On Tech: AI, a boletus that rises to use an artificial intelligence, works and uses.

    I chatted with colleagues from Cade Metz and Kevin Roose explaining the inner workings of artificial intelligence, including chatbots using OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Bing, and Google’s Bard. Ahora estamos de vuelta con una nueva misión: ayudarte a que aprendas a usar la intelligence artificial a su máxima potencia.

    Personas de todas las profesiones and condiciones—students, programmers, artists, and contadores—están experimentando con el uso de herramientas de inteligencia artificial. Los empleadores publican offer the empleo para personas que sepan emplearlas. Basically, if you don’t know what to do, you can use artificial intelligence to manage your personal life and help me.

    As a columnist for The New York Times personal technology, we asked a question about how to reframe and be responsible for most aspects of your life.

    Use a dedicar el boletín de hoy a hablar sobre dos generales que resultarán útiles en varias situaciones.

    Luego, in las próximas semanas, to dare consejos más específicos for different aspects of your vida, como la crianza de los hijos y la vida familiar, el trabajo, the organization of your vida personally, the aprendizaje/education, the creative en lasse compras.

    Alguns advertencias de sentido común para empezar:

    • If you are concerned about your privacy, leave out the personal information about your name and your personal journey. The company’s technology has to do with data that you can use to manage your system, which means that other personas may contain your information.

    • No confidential data. You can introduce many different rules or specific restrictions, pero, in general, introduce secret commercial information and sensible information and good idea.

    • Alucinaciones: Los chatbots se basan en una technología llamada “modelos lingüísticos de gran tamaño” (LLM, por su sigla en inglés), the different possibilities of analysis capacities of huge cantidades of textual digital extras on the internet. Often the red son made mistakes and the chatbots often falsely repeated. Sometimes some customers want to share the huge amount of data they are getting come up with different ways.

    ChatGPT, Bing and Bard are the most popular artificial intelligence chatbots. (To use ChatGPT, try to create an open AI account and request a subscription to your most recent version. Bing can use Microsoft Edge navigation. Bard requires you to use an account from Google).

    Some simple usages—already describe a casilla and get respuestas!—has the manera ambiguity of most respuestas genericas, and sometimes even incorrect additions.

    The result is that an arte teclear las palabras and boundary of the marcos precisos must be made to generate the respuestas más útiles. Yo las llamo las instrucciones (o, en ingles, Clues) the oro.

    The personas you can use are as many chatbots as possible using variants of the following email strategies:

    “Actua como si”. If you have indications about your magic palette, the emular robot and an expert. For example, si describes “Actúa como si fueras un tutor para los exámenes of admisión a la universidad” or “Actúa como si fueras un entrenador personal”, los robots tomarán como modelo a personas que desempeñan esas ocupaciones.

    There is some evidence that there is additional context to the artificial intelligence of the answer. In reality, the artificial intelligence is of no concern to the personal attendant or entrepreneur. Mas bien, el fast ayuda a la artificial intelligence is a basarse and patroness estadísticos específicos de sus datos de entrenamiento.

    An instrucción debil sin orientación generará resultados menos útiles. Si lo único queses “¿Qué debo comer esta semana?”, el chatbot te dará una lista generic comidas para una diet equilibrada, como pavo salteado con una guarnición de verduras de colores para la cena (que, para mí, suena a algo sin mucho interest).

    “Dime qué más necesitas para hacer esto”. To obtain more personalized results – for example, asking for a specific question or padecimiento específicos – invite you to ask for more information.

    In the case of a personal entrepreneur, an instrucción podría ser: “Actúa como si fueras mi entrenador personal. Create a semanal program for execution and a plan of action for me. Dime qué más necesitas para hacer esto”. And right now, the robot can spend a great deal of time, many, pesos, dietary restrictions and objectives to end a plan of comidas and a routine of ejercicios to make a cabo durante a semana to create.

    If no answers are obtained in the first place, there is no reason to do so. Mejor aún, and palabras by Ethan Mollick, Professor de la Escuela Wharton of the Universidad de Pensilvania, trata al bot como si fuera un pasante humano: “Cuando cometa un error, señálalo y pídele que lo haga mejor”. It is likely that you will get the most results.

    If you use any of the instructions, it’s best to use your chatbot to get in touch. The key is to contact a chatbot by using a web and help someone with a new consultation. There are several conversation topics and other instructions related to the time.

    Esta estrategia is more facilitated with ChatGPT. Bing requires you to be able to have your conversations and Bard no facilita tanto saltar between hilos de conversación.

    Natalie Choprasert, an empresaria in Sydney, Australia, who has an empresas using Inteligencia Artificial, uses ChatGPT as a coach empresarial and assistant ejecutivo. Mantiene calls separate for each function.

    In the hilo of the empresarial coach, comparte información sobre su experiencia profesional and apart from the objectives and problems of the empresa. In the caso of the tenacious ejecutivo, various information about your agenda, como los clientes con los que se va a reunir.

    “If I understand correctly, I know I’ve been given a great opportunity to look in context and I know how to do it,” says Choprasert.

    Add an additional guide that you can use to make your user-friendly: Aplicar un marco de referencia. Hace poco leyo Watch, a libro sobre la creación de empressas. At ChatGPT, the coach empresarial, who has used a consejara marco de Watchyou already have an opportunity to absorb the basics of the book and create a plan to strengthen your business.

    Brian X. Chen is a consumer technology columnist. View products and write Tech Fix, a column of issues related to the technology. For Times University in 2011, reported on Apple and the industria inalámbrica for Wired. @bxchen