Former President Trump in a statement on Monday touted that he hit a hole-in-one while playing at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Saturday after some social media users questioned his abilities.
“Trump just made a hole-in-one!” Tim Swain, a Republican running for Senate in South Carolina, captioned a photo posted on Twitter during the weekend. In the photo, Trump was celebrating on the green with Hall of Fame golfer Ernie Els, Gene Sauers, Ken Duke and Mike Goodes.
Several commentators on the tweet questioned the claim, leading Trump to defend his achievement, saying it was “100% true”.
“A lot of people are asking for it, so I’ll give it to you now, it’s 100% true,” Trump wrote in the statement late Monday, which included a video of Trump walking toward the hole.
Despite there being “pretty strong winds,” the ball “bounced twice and then clattered into the hole” at the seventh hole, scoring a hole-in-one, Trump said.
“These great tour players noticed it earlier than I did because their eyesight is a little better, but just on that one hole their swings weren’t there,” he said.
According to the Trump International Golf Club website, the seventh hole includes a water feature guarding the front and right sides of the par-3 hole.
Trump ended his statement by saying he would not reveal who won the contest.
“I won’t tell you who won, because I’m a very humble person, and you’ll say I bragged – and I don’t like people who brag!” he said.