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Pickled Sausage Brands – Why Eat Pickled Sausages?

    I don’t eat sausage that often because I’m pretty picky about the meat I eat. But I know that some people want to taste almost every meat product.

    If this is you, I would recommend trying pickled sausage. However, you need to know which brands to look out for when shopping.

    Big John’s

    You open Big John’s 4-gallon jar and find about 32 succulent pieces of sausage inside. If you bite into the sausage, you get a full bite and the sausage tastes as juicy as ever.

    I love how tasty the pork and chicken sausage is and how it makes the perfect snack. But occasionally I prefer something spicier. If I feel the craving, I might buy a jar of hot sausage at Big John’s.


    When I see the gold label on a jar of pickled sausage, I know it must be Hannah’s. The jar is filled with whole pieces of sausage pickled in brine and you get plenty of portions.

    In addition to selling a regular version, the company also sells the Mexicana Hot Red Sausage. As someone who loves spicy food I would love to try this option. And I love that they even sell a version that doesn’t use pork.

    Czech pickled sausages

    Matt and Dana

    Are you bored with sour sausage? I’d recommend trying Matt and Dana’s version, but the jars might be hard to find online.

    If you can get your hands on one, you’re in luck. The brand pickles not only sausage, but also other meat products. This way you can prepare a variety of delicious snacks in your kitchen.


    Fans of spicy meat, especially spicy sour sausage, will love Fischer’s. Unlike other brands, the Red Hot Sausages are the company’s primary product offering.

    They taste hearty and offer the kick you might be looking for. In addition, the juiciness makes it pleasant to eat. You can order several of these at once to make sure you have enough.


    Penrose is another brand, but you can also find their products under the Big Mama name. In any case, this brand offers a wide range of pickled sausages.

    You can buy the regular sausages or the Tijuana Mama version, which is three times as spicy. The company also makes firework sausages, which are spicy.


    Backroad Country makes good pickled smoked Polish sausage. You can also find red-hot pickled sausages at this company.

    If you’re looking for other pickled meat products, Backroad Country has you covered. The brand is easy to find online and you can have the products delivered to your home.


    Another kosher-friendly brand of pickles to try is Herb’s. The company uses beef and chicken instead of pork for its sausages.

    If you like it a bit spicy, you can get the Red Hot Sausages. However, they also offer a standard version if you’re not a fan of hot dogs.

    View of the bay

    Bay View is worth considering if you want gourmet pickles. They pickle and smoke the sausages so you can enjoy the texture and flavor.

    Like many of its competitors, Bay View makes spicy and non-spicy varieties of sausages. So you and your loved ones can enjoy the warmth you want.

    Why eat pickled sausages?

    Regardless of the brand you choose, you may be wondering why you should even try pickles. For one thing, they’re a good snack. You can grab a piece or two from the jar so you can grab one quickly when taking a short break.

    Eat pickled sausages

    Of course, depending on the variety, they can taste salty, sour and sometimes hot. You can satisfy your craving for any of these flavors. You’ll also get a good amount of protein from a single serving of pickled sausages.

    Another advantage is that you can choose from many different brands. If you prefer the taste of one brand to another, these preferences can help you decide which sausage to buy next.

    Different brands also use different types of meat. This can be especially beneficial for those following a kosher diet, as you can skip pork sausages. But even if you prefer beef or chicken, you have that option.

    Finally you can enjoy sausages without having to cook them. When you’re short on time but need a filling meal, grab some pickles and eat them on the side or on their own.

    How about homemade sour sausage?

    You may have tried several brands of pickled sausage. However, it seems that you cannot find a brand that you really like. Or your favorite brand is sold out and you don’t want to wait.

    Consider making homemade pickled sausage. You can find a ton of recipes online, so try a few to see which one makes the most sense for you.

    In general, you need to bring some water, vinegar, and salt to a boil. You can then cut the sausage into pieces and put them in a glass together with the boiling mixture. Keep them for a few days before taking them out to eat.

    Why not make pickled sausage?

    The nice thing about buying Sauerwurst is of course the quality control. These companies have refined their pickling process. This means you get a more consistent product from jar to jar than if you were to make pickled sausage at home.

    Of course you can take the time to refine your own recipe. But that takes several tries and you might end up wasting a lot of sausage.

    If you don’t want to risk that, look around for the best pickled sausage brands. You should be able to find at least a few options at your local grocery store or online.