Everyone talks about the homeless problem, and now the DUI problem, but never addresses what has actually changed in Arizona.
The decision to legalize cannabis was a big mistake, especially after seeing the negative effects it had on Colorado after that state legalized recreational marijuana before the pandemic.
The gateway drug is now legal and access to all drugs is out of control. We can’t blame our municipal officials for that.
Unfortunately, we, the voters, have created this new environment.
James Anton, Prescott
Vouchers are bankrupting public education
As a parent, I want to speak about the bankruptcy of Arizona public education as a result of the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) voucher program.
There are several problems with it. Most importantly, what politicians say the purpose of ESA vouchers is is that they are a way to improve public education.
The politicians need to be honest about ESAs and say they are turning public education into state-sponsored private education.
ESAs are simply a way to dismantle public education and move state money to the private sector.
After voucher extension: Some families have huge unpaid bills
There are many ways to improve public education. However, empowerment scholarships have nothing to do with it.
I resist them. As a democracy, our children deserve a public education. My own children have seven more years of public school left and I want a high quality public education for them.
Politicians, please look at ways to improve public education, such as Project Momentum in the Avondale School District, if you want to improve our schools.
If you want to dismantle public education, just say so while continuing to support ESAs.
Caroline Yeryomenko, Glendale
Bet on the next tantrum?
Now that gambling is so well accepted, it’s time to raise the bar. America needs a betting site to bet on the next mass shooting.
Call it Second Amendment Lotto or NRA Victory Garden. Maybe you could have a separate ward for murder and suicide.
Bets could be placed on the state, city or company of the next slaughter. Bonus for guessing the exact weapon.
Come on people. Are you pro life or pro gun? You can’t be both.
We eat ourselves alive. This will continue unless we stop it.
Mike Epstein, Phoenix
Our war on CO₂ will not save the world
Joe Biden’s war to phase out fossil fuels will have no effect on global warming unless every country phases out fossil fuels.
However, such elimination would result in the destruction of our economy and cause immense misery to humanity.
We know that China, India and other developing countries need fossil fuels to build their economies and will not give them up to lower temperatures by a few degrees.
In the past 40 years of developing renewable energy, we are using less fossil fuels in the US and in Europe.
Yet, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), we have an accumulation of CO₂ the Earth has not seen for millions of years, at about 421 parts per million.
So maybe that buildup is from natural CO₂ or maybe CO₂ isn’t really the problem.
We also know that a high CO₂ content results in greener pastures. So shouldn’t we think about this before we destroy our country?
Jerry Votendahl, Litchfield Park
Trump is not ‘one tough hombre’
I can only laugh at the recent letter writer who said Donald Trump was “a tough hombre” and a “success”. Real?
Does he mean the tough hombre who avoided military service with five reprieves, also because of bad feet? Let me repeat that. Bad feet.
As for his “success,” I’m not sure what the letter writer was referring to. Here’s a partial list of the companies that went out of business with Trump’s name attached: Trump Steaks. Trump airlines. Trump vodka. Trump Mortgage. Trump Network.
Of course, let’s not forget about Trump University, where he paid a $25 million fine for defrauding students. He must be the only person who doesn’t make money running casinos, routinely declare bankruptcy.
He’s always been a swindler and a con artist, and those who think he’s “a tough hombre” and a “success” are what’s known as the mark.
Patrick Mazzarella, Scottsdale
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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Arizona should never have legalized recreational marijuana