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GOP Strategist Sees ‘Terrible’ Sign for Trump in CPAC Straw Poll

    Donald Trump should not celebrate the results of the straw poll he won at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), according to a longtime Republican political strategist.

    Trump topped Saturday’s straw poll of declared and likely 2024 Republican presidential candidates, earning 62% of the vote.

    In an appearance on MSNBC Sunday, Susan Del Percio, a political analyst for the network, said this was a poor result given the increasingly Trump-oriented nature of the annual gathering in recent years. Notably, key potential players in the 2024 Republican presidential race, including former Vice President Mike Pence and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, failed to appear at this year’s CPAC, traditionally a must-attend event for GOP candidates.

    “Sixty-two percent of the CPAC in a straw poll is a terrible result for Donald Trump,” Del Percio said on MSNBC. “I mean, this is called TPAC. This is Donald Trump’s show, and he can only get 62% of his own people.”

    That’s not to say Trump’s power in the GOP isn’t there, she added, pointing out that “all he has to do is get 35%” of the vote, “beat everyone else, and be the winner.” gets everything.”

    See Del Percio’s analysis on MSNBC, posted by Raw Story, below:
