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Dairy Queen Jalitos Ranch Hungr-Buster

    If you love eating at Dairy Queen, you might be wondering what Dairy Queen Jalitos Ranch’s hunger-buster burger is like. As this is a very popular type of burger that many customers have tried and enjoyed.

    Dairy Queen is well known for its food as it has had a similar menu for a very long time. Although it has some newer features that have a more unique flavor and give customers more options to try.

    It has a delicious selection of burgers that are perfect to satisfy any burger craving you might have. Especially since Dairy Queen often creates burgers that have that traditional flavor that so many people know and love.

    Read on to learn more about Dairy Queen Jalitos Ranch’s Hunger Buster and how many calories it has.

    Jalito’s Ranch Hungr-Buster by Dairy Queen

    If you’re a frequent Dairy Queen eater, you may have noticed Jalitos Ranch’s hunger buster on the menu. This is a burger option that Dairy Queen offers that includes jalitos for a slightly spicy and flavorful addition that is unique from other burgers.

    Grilled chicken sandwich

    This is a flavorful option that Dairy Queen offers that many people rave about. Many have compared it to a traditional greasy spoon burger that many people know, love and expect when ordering a burger from a fast food joint.

    It’s got all those traditional burger flavors with a hearty amount of greasiness and oiliness to help you feel satisfied after you eat. It doesn’t have too much of a unique flavor, but you’ll notice a hint of spice and flavor from the jalitos.

    American cheese also adds creaminess and richness to the finished burger, helping to bring it all together. Also compliments the beef patty which is rich and has a nice mouthfeel when you bite into it.

    You also have the option of getting a double Jalitos Ranch Hunger Buster, which includes two beef patties instead of one. Create a stronger and richer burger for those days when you need a little extra.

    Jalitos Ranch Hungr-Buster Burger Calories

    If you’re thinking of ordering a Hungr-Buster from Dairy Queen Jalitos Ranch, you might want to know how many calories that burger contains. Especially since burgers from fast food restaurants are usually quite high in calories.

    This Dairy Queen Burger contains a total of 972 calories, making it very high in calories compared to other burgers. Even if you compare this burger to other fast food burgers, it is definitely one of the higher calorie burger options.

    The majority of fast food burgers tend to be around 400 to 600 calories, depending on the type of burger and where you order it. So having a 900+ calorie burger is pretty rare and definitely goes to show that this isn’t the healthiest option.

    Because of this, you may want to forego ordering side dishes or drinks when catching a hunger at Jalitos Ranch. Because this only adds to the number of calories in the meal and really pushes you over your daily limit.

    Also, this shouldn’t be a burger you order frequently, as it’s very high in calories and greasy. Adjust your calorie intake for the rest of the day as it is so high in calories on its own.

    Dairy Queen Jalitos Hungr-Buster ingredients

    Now that you know a little more about the Dairy Queen to Jalitos Hungr-Buster Burger, you might be wondering what ingredients it’s made from. As this affects the flavor and texture of the entire burger.

    Depending on your personal preferences, you may also want to ask for substitutes or not add certain ingredients to your burger. So it’s a good idea to understand what ingredients make up each burger.

    Beef Patty

    This Dairy Queen burger uses a plain quarter-pound beef patty similar to the other types of burgers on the menu. This is a rich and fatty beef patty that really brings out the flavor and that delightful meaty texture.

    There’s not much amazing about this patty, but it gives this burger the traditional flavor of a greasy spoon burger. In addition, the entire burger is extremely juicy and perfectly cooked through and through.

    You can even get a double beef patty if you want, but this adds a lot to the calories for this burger. Because with just a single beef patty it is already very high in calories.

    American cheese

    Slices of American cheese are also added to this burger to add flavor and gooey that really add to the richness. American cheese has a familiar and comforting flavor that complements the beef patty.

    The patty and cheese are the two flavors you’ll try the most and would really make a comforting burger option.


    Jalitos are also added to this burger, hence the name, which also add a lot of flavor. Jalitos are thin strips of fresh jalapeños that are fried until nice and crispy.

    Chicken Patty Sandwich

    These crispy strips have a nice jalapeño flavor as well as a slight pinch of spice that makes an impact. This also gives the burger plenty of crunch and elevates it by adding extra texture and appeal.

    Along with the jalitos, a small amount of fresh lettuce is also added to this burger to give it freshness and a little extra crunch.

    ranch dressing

    Ranch dressing is also added to Dairy Queen Jalitos’ Ranch Hunger Buster, but many customers have mentioned that it’s not very noticeable. So don’t expect to taste too much ranch unless you ask for more to be added.