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Is jello a solid or a liquid? What does jello do? gelatin

    If you are interested in Jell-O, you may be wondering if Jell-O is a solid or a liquid. This is a common question since Jell-O is one of those weird foods that’s hard to classify.

    Jell-O is a popular type of food that many people still enjoy today. It can be purchased from grocery stores or easily made at home with just a few ingredients.

    One of the reasons so many people are confused about Jell-O is the fact that it takes many forms. You get Jell-O in the form of a powder, but it turns into a liquid when you make the actual Jell-O.

    Then the jelly turns into a semi-solid mixture when it’s done and goes through a confusing process of being solid and liquid. Read on to find out whether or not Jell-O counts as a solid or a liquid.

    Jell-O is a colloid

    If you’ve never tried Jell-O, you may be wondering if Jell-O is a solid or a liquid. Jell-O is considered a colloid, which is a term used to describe the solid gelatin particles suspended in water.

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    This creates a unique type of food that is both solid and liquid, but actually is neither. That’s because Jell-O starts out as a powder, then becomes liquid, and then becomes partially solid and its final form.

    This is unlike most foods as most foods are either solid or liquid. But it’s hard to say exactly what Jell-O is, as it could be classified as either, but is neither.

    Jell-O generally behaves more like a liquid as it is so soft that you can easily spoon it through. It’s not as easily absorbed as a solid, so it behaves more like a liquid in that sense.

    The people who make or eat Jell-O know that it really isn’t classified as a solid or liquid when you make it.

    What does jello do?

    If you love to eat Jell-O, you might be wondering what constitutes jelly, as it’s quite a mysterious food. This is something that is difficult to categorize as it could be classified as a dessert or maybe a snack.

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    It’s also made very minimally with just a few ingredients that you can easily find. These people buy Jell-O in ready-mixed boxes that they only need to mix with a liquid to make the final product.


    Gelatin is the key ingredient in any type of jello recipe, as it helps the jelly work into this wobbly mixture. Gelatin is made from the marrow of animal bones, which are extracted during a specific process.

    It’s an ingredient that can be dry, liquid, or solid depending on what stage of the process it’s at. It melts easily in liquids and eventually solidifies, suspending the particles in the liquid to create a semi-solid mass.

    Because of this, you can’t make Jell-O without gelatin, as that’s the ingredient that builds it up. Without the gelatin, Jell-O would just be a liquid that can never solidify.


    Alongside the Jell-O, make sure you get it in stores. You need to add water to this mixture to make the Jell-O. Typically, you’ll add a mixture of cold and hot water to help the Jell-O mixture dissolve, as well as the gelatin.

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    During this stage, the Jell-O will be a liquid as it needs to cool for the gelatin to help it set up. You absolutely must have water for Jell-O to make the finished product, although you can have success with different types of juice as well.

    Final Thoughts

    Jell-O is considered neither a solid nor a liquid, but is often referred to as a colloid. Which is used to describe something that falls somewhere between solid and liquid, as the gelatin particles are solid but are suspended in water.

    Jell-O also goes through a process of making it liquid and semi-solid, making it neither solid nor liquid overall.