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Kenko Vs Kewpie – Kewpie is less healthy than regular mayo

    If you like traditional Japanese mayonnaise, you might be wondering about Kenko vs. Kewpie. And whether these two types of mayonnaise are the same or whether they have any differences that you should be aware of.

    These are common questions as these are two brands that are often compared by customers. The majority of mayonnaise brands are very similar, but these two brands are the best sellers and tend to stand out the most.

    Especially when it comes to the traditional taste of Japanese mayonnaise and other aspects of this condiment. This makes it difficult for customers to know whether or not they should buy a jar of Kenko or Kewpie mayonnaise.

    As such, you may need to do a little research before heading to the grocery store to figure out which brand to buy. Read on to learn more about Kenko vs. Kewpie and what sets these brands of mayonnaise apart.

    Are Kenko and Kewpie the same?

    If you’re interested in trying Japanese mayonnaise, you might be wondering if kenko and kewpie are the same. These are two different types of mayonnaise available in Japan, but they are very similar to each other and are assumed to taste similar.

    Mayonnaise as an accompaniment to the dish

    Kewpie is the original Japanese brand of mayonnaise that many people know and love as it has the most traditional flavor. With Kenko, a more modern brand of mayonnaise was brought to Japan that tastes very similar to the original.

    So these two Japanese mayo brands are considered very similar, but they are definitely not the same. They are two separate brands and market themselves differently and appeal to different types of customers.

    Kenko is what we would consider a knockoff brand of the traditional Mayo brand Kewpie.


    Kenko is the imitation brand of the traditional Japanese mayonnaise Kewpie. It has been formulated to be very similar in taste and texture, making it the perfect alternative to the more well-known brand of mayonnaise.

    Both brands of mayonnaise are even packaged similarly, making it difficult to tell the two apart. Especially for buyers who may not know if these two brands are actually different brands or the same brand.

    One of the biggest differences is the fact that Kenko has no MSG while Kewpie dies. Kenko is a healthier option for those trying to avoid the harmful side effects of consuming MSG in their diet.

    As this has become an ingredient that more and more people are actively trying to avoid.


    If you want to find a Japanese mayonnaise that has the traditional flavor you’re looking for, you need to buy Kewpie. This is the brand of Japanese mayonnaise that is the original brand, with all the original flavors that people love.

    Despite the fact that so many different brands have attempted to replicate this style of mayonnaise, many fall short of the taste. Although Kenko is a very close second as the flavors are almost indistinguishable between these two types of mayonnaise.

    However, Kewpie continues to be the more popular option among those who want the traditional style of Japanese mayonnaise. As this brand is very trustworthy and can be found in every Japanese grocery store.

    Kenko is cheaper

    One of the differences between these two types of mayonnaise is the fact that kenko is the cheaper option. This makes sense considering that Kenko is a knock-off brand of traditional mayonnaise in Japan.

    Mayonnaise in a bowl

    So for those on a budget looking to lower their grocery bills, this brand of mayonnaise will definitely be a winner. This is mainly why Kenko continues to be Kewpie’s biggest competition as it offers better prices.

    Many people need to prioritize products that offer the best prices, which is why counterfeit brands are so popular. As people still want to enjoy that traditional taste without having to spend so much money on the original brand.

    While there is no one-size-fits-all price, you can rest assured as prices vary depending on the store location you visit. So Kenko can be a lot cheaper or just a little bit cheaper than Kewpie depending on where you shop.

    Kewpie is less healthy than regular mayo

    Many people may be wondering if kewpie is considered healthier than regular American mayonnaise. This is a common question as people love mayonnaise and are always trying to find a healthier alternative that is just as good.

    Especially among those who enjoy the unique taste of Japanese mayonnaise, this definitely stands out from American mayo. Because the two are very similar, Japanese mayonnaise has a slightly different flavor that is fresher and stronger.

    Unfortunately for customers, Kewpie mayonnaise is not considered any healthier than regular American mayonnaise. Because Kewpie is made with more egg yolks, this yields a lot more cholesterol per serving size for this mayo.

    This is a big problem for those trying to eat healthier, as high levels of cholesterol are not considered very healthy. Because mayonnaise is already a somewhat unhealthy condiment option that people need to limit.

    This is something to watch out for when purchasing Kewpie mayonnaise, as you should be consuming less of it than American mayo.

    Final Thoughts

    If you enjoy mayonnaise as a condiment, you might be wondering about Kenko vs. Kewpie and if they’re the same brand. These are two different brands of Japanese mayonnaise that are very similar and according to customers taste the same.

    So, kenko is considered cheaper and healthier, with kewpie having more of that traditional flavor.