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Shrimp taste fishy – Raw shrimp only keep for two days

    If you bought shrimp, you might be wondering if the shrimp should taste fishy. This is a common question as people are unsure what to expect from shrimp as it is very different from other types of seafood.

    Some types of seafood have a natural fishy flavor due to the environment in which they live. But for the most part, most seafood doesn’t have a strong fish flavor, or at least it shouldn’t.

    A fishy taste can often indicate that the seafood you bought is of poor quality and not worth eating. That, or it could indicate the seafood has gone bad and is no longer fresh and good to eat.

    It’s important to make sure you understand the signs when seafood has gone bad so you don’t eat it. Read on to find out whether or not shrimp should taste fishy.

    Is it normal for shrimp to taste fishy?

    If you don’t have much experience with shrimp, you might be wondering if shrimp should taste fishy. Shrimp should never taste fishy as this is a clear sign that the shrimp is not of good quality or is already spoiled and should not be eaten.

    Fried shrimps on white ceramic plate

    Shrimp are a delicate type of seafood that shouldn’t normally have any fishy flavor at all. Many people compare shrimp to the taste of lobster, as the taste is very mild and pleasant, unlike other types of seafood.

    When it comes to seafood, you need to be careful and make sure you are getting good quality seafood and eating it fresh. You don’t want to eat poor quality shrimp or shrimp that have gone bad as it can be very bad for you.

    You also won’t be able to enjoy the subtle taste of shrimp if it’s too fishy due to poor processing or poor quality. That’s why it’s important to source all your seafood carefully and ensure you’re getting only the best quality.

    This also applies to frozen shrimp, as many people complain that their frozen shrimp have a fishy taste or smell. Which is a clear indication that the shrimp have not been processed very well, or are simply poor quality and old.


    Shrimp that are fresh and healthy should have a slightly sweet flavor to the flesh. This is very delicate and should have a balance of sweet and salty, giving a very pleasant mild seafood flavor.

    Steamed shrimp on plate

    Many people compare the sweetness of shrimp to the taste of lobster because it also contains sweeteners. Since both types of seafood are very similar in taste and texture, if you like lobster, you will most likely like shrimp.


    Many people have even described shrimp as having a buttery flavor and texture. Shrimp are very mild and have a rich but mellow flavor that is very enjoyable even for those who don’t normally like seafood.

    It doesn’t have a fishy taste and will complement any dish you add it to since it’s so mild. Shrimp are often used in both cooked and buttery dishes as they naturally have a buttery flavor and the two ingredients complement each other very well.

    Shrimp should not smell fishy

    Shrimp shouldn’t taste fishy, ​​but they shouldn’t smell fishy either. If your shrimp smell fishy, ​​that is a very clear sign that they will end up tasting fishy too.

    garlic shrimp

    Shrimp that are fresh and have been washed and processed as needed will not have a fishy odor. This is a sign that the shrimp is not fresh and may even be bad.

    The same goes for frozen shrimp, as frozen shrimp shouldn’t smell like fish when thawed. This indicates that the shrimp were not preserved as they should be and are old or have gone bad in the freezer.

    You don’t want to eat shrimp that smell like fish since it’s impossible to know if they’re spoiled or just stale. Either way, it won’t taste very good, and you don’t want to risk eating it and getting sick.

    Seafood is one of those things that should only be enjoyed fresh, as that’s when it tastes best. You can also get food poisoning from eating spoiled or very old seafood.

    Raw shrimp will only keep for two days

    If you bought fresh shrimp, it’s important to remember that fresh shrimp only lasts for two days in the refrigerator. You don’t want to keep it any longer as it gets old.

    The longer the shrimp sits outside, the fishier it becomes, resulting in a fishy smell and taste. So this is a type of seafood that is best eaten as soon as possible after purchasing it.

    Final Thoughts

    If you’ve bought shrimp that has a fishy taste, it usually means the shrimp has either gone stale or gone bad. Shrimp should never taste or smell fishy, ​​as shrimp does not naturally taste fishy, ​​but has a very neutral taste.

    Shrimp that are good and fresh should have a very faint seafood smell and taste similar to lobster. Fresh shrimp will never have a fishy taste or smell if properly cared for.