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What color is sake? Can sake be cloudy? (Updated for 2023)

    If you’ve never seen what sake looks like, you might be wondering what color sake is. This is a frequently asked question as many people are curious about this Japanese drink that is becoming so popular.

    Although sake originated in Japan, it is becoming more mainstream as people try the drink more and more. Arouse a lot of curiosity about what this drink is and how it looks and tastes.

    It can be a great drink to try if you are a fan of Japanese culture and like Japanese flavors. Read on to find out what colored sake is and how to tell if it’s gone bad.

    Sake is clear colored

    If you have never tasted sake, you may be wondering what color it is traditionally. Sake is usually clear and colored but may not take on a slightly white or cloudy appearance depending on where you get the sake from.

    Image of a Japanese sake bottle

    Sake is a Japanese alcoholic beverage that’s growing in popularity outside of Japan. Many people now know sake and have tried it before or at least want to try it.

    This is an alcoholic drink made by fermenting rice and produces a very unique taste. It has a slightly lower alcohol content, which makes it enjoyable for a large percentage of people, even if they aren’t big alcohol fans.

    Overall, this can be a great alcoholic beverage to try if you enjoy Japanese cuisine.

    Can sake be cloudy?

    If you’ve bought sake, you might be wondering if your sake can be cloudy or if that’s a bad sign. This is another frequently asked question as some people worry about how the sake they bought looks like.

    It is quite normal that it has a slightly cloudy appearance. This goes hand-in-hand with the clear or slightly white color you often find in sake.

    Pour sake into dishes

    Because a slight cloudiness is often to be expected, especially if you have shaken the bottle. As some sediment may naturally float to the bottom, causing turbidity when stirred.

    This usually doesn’t indicate the drink has gone bad in any way unless you see other signs. Because there are some signs that you can look forward to making sure your sake hasn’t gone bad before you’ve drunk it.

    Filled with particles

    It’s normal for sake to contain a little sediment, which can stir up to create turbidity. This is quite normal with a range of drinks and does not usually mean the drink has gone bad.

    The only time you should worry about this is when you see real particles floating in the sake. This should not happen and could indicate that the drink has spoiled and should no longer be drunk.

    When you see particles in your drink, it’s often associated with other signs that it’s spoiled. Such as a bad smell or taste that isn’t normal for the sake of it.


    When you go drinking sake, you should check that the color is not discolored as this could indicate that it has gone bad. Sake often turns slightly yellow when the alcohol has been damaged and is no longer good.

    Hand with bottle pouring sake into a cup

    This happens when the alcohol is affected by oxidation and spoils the drink on the shelf. In general, sake should never be a specific color such as yellow, red, or blue.

    Bad smell

    When sake is spoiled, it usually takes on a rancid odor that is very noticeable. You will quickly notice the smell and know that the drink has spoiled and should not be consumed.

    This is often associated with a bad taste, although you shouldn’t try to taste sake if it smells bad.

    Final Thoughts

    If you’ve never tried pronouncing it, you might not know that it will generally be a clear and slightly cloudy color. It shouldn’t be yellow or any other color, as this may indicate it’s spoiled.

    Sake should also not have an unpleasant odor as this usually means it has gone bad and you should not drink it.