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Barbara Walters is remembered as a pioneer and a friend

    Barbara Walters, who died Friday at the age of 93, was remembered for her tenacious journalism that paved the way for women in the industry.

    As news of her death spread, memories and tributes to Ms Walters flooded social media.

    Robert A. Iger, the CEO of the Walt Disney Company, which owns ABC News, said on Twitter that Ms. Walters was “a true legend, a pioneer not just for women in journalism, but for journalism itself.”

    Journalists across the country recalled Friday night the effect Ms. Walters had on their careers, both directly and indirectly. Many said her interviews were models for good journalistic practice. Others marveled at the courage she displayed as she faced some of the world’s most powerful people. And countless others described Ms. Walters as a “pioneer” who helped pave the way for women in the news industry.

    Oprah Winfrey recalled how Mrs. Walters had been an early inspiration.

    In a local Miss Fire Prevention contest that eventually helped Ms. Winfrey land her first temp job at age 17, a judge asked what she hoped to do with her life.

    “It occurred to me to say that my goal was to be a TV journalist,” she once said in an interview in her magazine Oprah. When asked about what kind of journalist, she recalled saying, “I want to be like Barbara Walters.”

    “I wouldn’t have been without Barbara Walters – nor any other woman you see on the evening, morning and daily news,” Ms Winfrey wrote in her tribute on Friday. “She was indeed a Trailblazer.”

    David Muir, an anchor for ABC News, wrote on Twitter that “so often we throw around the words icon, legend, pioneer – but Barbara Walters was all of these.” He added that “Barbara Walters was especially brave.” Robin Roberts, an anchor on “Good Morning America,” said that she was “forever grateful for her wonderful example and for her friendship.”

    Deborah Roberts, an ABC News correspondent, said on Twitter that she would never forget when Mrs. Walters called to offer her a job on the newsmagazine show “20/20”, calling it an honor to share the set.

    Dan Rather, the network’s former news anchor, said Ms. Walters “outsmarted her competitors and outsmarted her competitors.”

    “The journalism world has lost a pillar of professionalism, courage and integrity,” said Mr. Rather.

    Maria Shriver, a former NBC News anchor, described Ms. Walters as a mentor and a friend.

    “So many women broke into the news world because she did her job well,” Ms Shriver wrote on Twitter.

    Meghan McCain, former host of ‘The View’ said on Twitter that Ms. Walters’ “tough questioning and welcoming demeanor made her a household name and leader in American journalism.”

    Star Jonesone of the original “The View” co-hosts wrote, “I owe Barbara Walters more than I could ever repay.”

    Ms. Walters’ impact extended beyond journalism, as actors, athletes, and others remembered her fearlessness during interviews — and her sense of humor.

    Monica Lewinsky said she first met Ms. Walters in 1998, amid the impeachment scandal following President Bill Clinton’s sexual involvement with Ms. Lewinsky during her time as an intern at the White House. “She was the very first person I ever sat with for a television interview,” Ms. Lewinsky wrote on Twitter.

    Speaking to Mrs. Walters at the time, she commented that it was the first time she had ever been in “serious trouble”.

    “I had actually been a good kid,” she said, “got good grades, didn’t do drugs, never shoplifted.” She recalled Mrs. Walters saying without missing a beat, “Monica, next time shoplifting.”

    The actor Hugh Jackman said that Mrs. Walters was “cruelly funny, endlessly curious, generous, outspoken and a good friend”.

    “She also threw some of the most memorable dinner parties we’ve ever been to,” he wrote on Facebook.

    Don Lemon, the CNN anchor, said that “sitting next to her at a dinner party was the best seat in the house.”

    “Obviously she was amazing on television,” he wrote on Facebook. “But I selfishly loved spending time with her in person.”

    The NBA Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul Jabbar said she never shied away from questioning the world’s most powerful people. “She held them accountable,” he wrote on Twitter. “She cared about the truth and she made sure we cared about her too. Fortunately, she inspired many other journalists to be just as unrelenting.”

    Rosie O’Donnell, another former ‘The View’ host, said she was saddened when she learned of Mrs. Walters’ death and remembered the many Broadway shows they had attended together.

    “Whenever we went backstage I would try and help her, you know, over the backstage stairs,” Ms O’Donnell said on Instagram. “And she used to slap my hand and tell me to leave her alone.”

    “She knew what she was doing,” she added, saying she wished Ms Walters would be remembered for the “barriers she broke down for women.”

    Just Jones reporting contributed.