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7 Homemade Face Masks for Acne Scars and Blackheads


    Acne Scars and Blackheads

    Everyone in the world longs for clear, healthy and beautiful skin. However, skin discoloration can often get in the way of their wish. The two most common skin problems that people around the world face are acne scars and blackheads. Acne scars occur when there is inflammation in the acne blemishes. On the other hand, clogging of the hair follicles on the skin causes blackheads.

    face masks

    To treat these skin conditions, there are several cosmetic products on the market. However, they are harmful in the long run due to chemical ingredients. So it is better to use natural ingredients rather than commercial cosmetics. There are several home remedies to treat these types of skin problems with ease. Here we take a look at 7 homemade face masks for removing acne scars and blackheads.

    Honey & Cinnamon Facial Mask


    Cinnamon and honey have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, their combination helps to remove acne scars and blackheads. Honey also helps to moisturize the skin and lighten the skin tone. Cinnamon makes the skin look plumper and younger by fighting the signs of aging.


    • 2 tsp honey
    • 1 tsp cinnamon powder

    Travel directions

    • Add both ingredients to a small bowl.
    • Mix thoroughly to a smooth and thick paste.
    • Apply it all over your face with your fingertips.
    • Let it dry for 15-20 minutes.
    • Wash off the face mask with warm water and pat dry.
    • Use this face mask two or three times a week for best results.

    Milk, honey and turmeric face mask

    Milk, honey and turmeric face mask

    This face mask is one of the best solutions for acne scars and blackheads. Raw milk is an excellent source of lactic acid, which helps exfoliate the skin and fight against the signs of aging. Turmeric powder contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Thus, it helps to treat and prevent various skin problems such as acne and pimples. Raw honey moisturizes the skin and lightens the scars and skin tone.


    • 2 tsp raw milk
    • 1 tsp turmeric powder
    • 1 tsp honey

    Travel directions

    • Add all three ingredients to a small bowl.
    • Mix thoroughly to form a smooth and thin paste.
    • Apply the paste evenly on your face with a cotton ball.
    • Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with water.
    • Use this face mask 3-4 times a week for best results.

    Green Tea & Aloe Vera Face Mask

    Green Tea & Aloe Vera Face Mask

    Green tea and aloe vera face mask is an excellent remedy for various skin problems. Aloe Vera gel helps to get rid of acne scars and pimples. In addition, it helps to treat dehydration, sunburn, infections and signs of premature aging. On the other hand, green tea contains antioxidants and antibacterial agents. These agents help to unclog pores to prevent and treat popping blackheads. Green tea is also an effective remedy for acne, signs of aging and skin irritation.


    • 2 tbsp freshly brewed green tea
    • 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera Gel

    Travel directions

    • Add both ingredients to a small bowl with a spoon.
    • Mix thoroughly to form a thin paste.
    • Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture evenly all over your face.
    • Let it dry for 20-25 minutes and wash it off with cold water.
    • Use this face mask 3-4 times a week for visible results.

    Orange Peel Facial Mask

    Orange Peel Facial Mask

    Orange Peel Facemask is one of the most popular skin care remedies in the world. It contains the goodness of oranges, namely vitamin C, antioxidants and retinol. All these help to exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin to get rid of acne scars. Furthermore, the vitamin C in orange peel powder helps in the formation of collagen and elastin. Both proteins help to unclog pores and get rid of blackheads. So this face mask is perfect for those looking for a young and beautiful skin.


    • 1 tbsp dried orange peel powder
    • 1 tsp Raw Milk

    Travel directions

    • Add the two ingredients to a small bowl.
    • Mix them thoroughly into a thick paste.
    • Let it dry for 10-15 minutes.
    • Wash off the face mask with water.
    • For visible results, apply this face mask two or three times a week.

    Turmeric, Yogurt & Sandalwood Face Mask

    Turmeric, Yogurt & Sandalwood Face Mask

    Turmeric is one of the oldest yet most effective natural skin care remedies. Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce acne scars. In addition, it is an excellent remedy for psoriasis and skin lesions. Sandalwood oil is quite effective for removing blackheads, bruises and scars. It is because of the antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of sandalwood. Last but not least, yogurt helps to hydrate, tighten and rejuvenate the skin.


    • 1 tsp Turmeric
    • 1 tbsp Yogurt
    • 3 drops of pure sandalwood oil

    Travel directions

    • Add all three ingredients to a small bowl.
    • Whisk the ingredients together well to form a smooth paste.
    • Apply the face mask evenly on your face with a makeup brush.
    • Let it dry for 10-15 minutes and wash off the face mask with cold water.
    • Use this face mask two or three times a week for visible results.

    Bentonite Clay Face Mask


    Bentonite clay offers a wide range of benefits to the skin. First, it is a great remedy for oiliness, acne and skin damage. This is due to the presence of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, bentonite clay helps reduce acne scars by lightening the skin. The face mask also helps to get rid of the blackheads by removing skin impurities.


    • 3 tbsp bentonite clay
    • Water

    Travel directions

    • Add 3 tablespoons of bentonite clay to a small bowl.
    • Now slowly add water while mixing the ingredients.
    • Stop when bentonite clay turns into a smooth paste, which is not very thick or thin.
    • Apply the paste all over your face with your fingertips.
    • Let it dry for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with water.
    • Use this face mask two or three times a week for best results.

    Milk & Honey Face Mask


    Raw milk contains lactic acid, vitamins and proteins. All of these nutrients help exfoliate and hydrate the skin. Thus, the application on the face helps to remove blackheads and acne scars. Honey, on the other hand, has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Therefore, it protects the skin from dehydration, acne and excess sebum. In addition, it helps to lighten the scars and unclog pores to remove blackheads.


    • 4 tbsp Raw Milk
    • 2 tbsp natural honey

    Travel directions

    • Add both ingredients to a small bowl and mix thoroughly.
    • Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture all over your face.
    • Let it rest for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.
    • Apply this face mask 2-3 times a week for best results.

    The takeaway!

    So, these are the 7 best homemade face masks to get rid of acne scars and blackheads. Be sure to apply the face mask to a small area of ​​skin to test for side effects. You can choose the mouth cap based on the ingredients available at home. Also make sure to follow a nutritious diet to keep your skin healthy and young.