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Nesquik or Ovaltine – Which is Better: Ovaltine or Nesquik?

    If you’re trying to decide on a chocolate milk powder, you might be wondering about Nesquik vs Ovaltine. This is a frequently asked question as both brands offer a chocolate milk powder that customers like.

    If you’re a chocolate milk lover, you’ve most likely tried several chocolate milk powders for convenience. This is a convenient option that allows you to conveniently consume chocolate milk at any time.

    There are also many chocolate milk powder brands to choose from at grocery stores. Although not every powder is made equal and is of the same quality you may be looking for.

    Read on to find out if Nesquik is better than Ovaltine and what sets these brands apart.

    Is Nesquik better than Ovaltine?

    When trying to find the best chocolate milk drink mix, you might be comparing Nesquik to Ovaltine. The reality is that it’s difficult to pick a clear winner, although most customers have indicated that they prefer the Nesquik flavor.

    Nesquik mixed with milk

    These are two different brands that make a chocolate milk powder that can be made into cold chocolate milk or hot chocolate. They come in a convenient powder that’s easy to mix in milk to make this chocolate drink.

    Both have been around for quite some time, although Nesquik is much better known than Ovaltine. This could be a reason why Nesquik has remained a more popular option when comparing the two.

    When asked about the differences between Nesquik and Ovaltine, many customers pointed to certain things they noticed about Nesquik, such as:

    • Strong chocolate flavor
    • dessert-like
    • Finer texture

    The strongest thing that differentiates these two brands from each other was the fact that Nesquik had a much more pleasant chocolate flavor. While Ovaltine had a more neutral flavor that was harder to pin down.

    Nesquik also had a more dessert-like flavor as it was significantly sweeter and had a pure chocolate flavor. Ovaltine tasted more like a nutritious drink and didn’t have the same dessert-like flavor that customers were looking for.

    However, it is important to note that Ovaltine has certain nutritional benefits that Nesquik does not. It contains certain vitamins and minerals, making it a more health-conscious option when choosing a chocolate milk mix.

    The more popular brand

    Comparing Nesquik to Ovaltine, Nesquik will be the clear winner when it comes to popularity. This also has to do with the fact that this brand is better known and more frequently available in all grocery stores.

    Ovaltine is lesser known and not as popular with a brand that customers reach for frequently. This definitely gives Nesquik a market advantage as customers tend to buy what they know rather than try new brands.

    However, those looking for a healthier option will most likely choose Ovaltine over Nesquik. This is because Ovomaltine is known to offer a more nutritious chocolate drink to which vitamins and minerals have been added.

    Although this is most likely responsible for the slight nutritional drink taste that Ovaltine has. Whereas Nesquik is more of a sweet powdered drink that has no real nutritional benefits.

    Which drink mix you ultimately decide on depends on your personal preferences and your wishes. If you prefer a stronger flavor and want something like dessert, Nesquik is the best option.

    But if you’re looking for a chocolate milk mix that has more nutritional value, Ovaltine will provide just that. It’s not necessarily healthy, but it will be a healthier option than Nesquik.

    Only you can decide between Nesquik and Ovaltine

    When trying to decide between Nesquik and Ovaltine, Nesquik is the more popular option. This is a very well known brand that carries a much loved chocolate milk powder mix.

    Ovaltine isn’t nearly as big of a brand and isn’t carried that often in grocery stores. This is most likely one of the reasons why it continues to be overshadowed by Nesquik in the market.

    Each brand has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to understand them before deciding on the type of powder to buy.