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73-year-old held walking couple at gunpoint, ‘leash’ on woman, Colorado sheriff says

    A 73-year-old man is charged with kidnapping at gunpoint a couple who were hiking in Jefferson County and handing the woman a nylon “line,” Colorado sheriffs said.

    Kerry Endsley is charged with kidnapping and threats after the June 17 incident, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office said in a press release.

    A hiker called at 8:10 a.m. to report that he had seen someone holding two hikers, a man and a woman, at gunpoint on a trail, the release said.

    The man and woman later told officers they had passed a man who appeared to be tying his shoes in the path when he confronted them with a gun and captured them, sheriffs officials said.

    They recognized Endsley, who had tried to disguise himself, as their kidnapper, the release said. The deputies said Endsley has a history of harassing the woman.

    Endsley ordered the woman to drop to the ground, then put a nylon “strap” around her neck, authorities said. He began to lead the couple away, but the man struggled his gun away.

    The pair ran and met officers who responded to the 911 call. The officers found Endsley a short distance away.

    Endsley pulled a stun gun from his waistband and aimed it at officers, the release said. A deputy fired a shot but missed Endsley, while another hit him with a taser.

    Endsley was arrested and taken to a hospital after complaining of pain from the Taser, the release said.

    Jefferson County is located west of Denver.

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