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50 Foods that start with P +++ Updated for 2022

    Today’s article brings you to the wonderful world of foods beginning with P. From exotic Pad Thai to the familiar pumpkin pie, we have 50 exciting foods for you to try at home. Let’s go!

    The List: 50 Foods that start with P

    1. Pad Thai

    Pad Thai, as the name suggests, is a Thai dish made with noodles, sweet and sour sauce, and peanuts on top. The sweet and sour sauce is made up of fish sauce, some oysters sauce, and tamarind, all sweetened with brown sugar.

    Almost every Thai restaurant serves it, even though they might not all make it in the same way.

    2. Paella

    Paella is one of the most famous Spanish dishes, originating in Valencia. The name itself comes from the Spanish/Valencian word for a frying pan, the pan used to cook Paella.

    Paella is a dish of round grain rice, some national varieties of green beans, chicken or duck meat, olive oil, chicken broth, and seafood. Since the dish is quite famous, the U.S cuisine has adapted this dish to fit with locally available vegetables.

    3. Pain au chocolat

    Pain au chocolat, also called Chocolatine, is a dish originating in France but is prepared all over the world nowadays. It might be obvious – this sweet pastry is filled with chocolate.

    The dough is the same as puffed dough used in croissants but folded in the form of a square.

    4. Pakora

    Pakora is an Indian street food of vegetable fritters. It is deep-fried vegetables such as onions, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, and the like. The vegetable mix is chopped or grated and covered with a batter suitable for deep fry.

    They are served with a sauce and are ideal for dipping. If you prefer, you can also serve them with a cup of masala chai.

    5. Palm oil

    Palm oil is one of the most used oils in many cuisines because of its availability and cheap production process. Its edible vegetable oil is squeezed out of the fruits of oil palm trees.

    Palm oil producers have come under fire from conservation groups for unsustainable farming practices, as large areas of tropical rainforest have been cleared in the last 30 years for oil palm plantations.

    Medical research has shown that palm oil has some health benefits, but excessive usage can raise cholesterol levels.

    6. Pancakes

    Pancakes or French crepes are among the most famous sweet breakfast dishes originating from France. There are many variations of the pancake’s recipe, but the base has remained the same – eggs, flour and milk.

    Today, there are even vegan variants of the famous pancakes. Pancakes are versatile, and you can top them with berries, ice cream, chocolate, or anything you fancy.

    7. Papaya

    Papaya is a tropical fruit that originates from Tropical America but can be found in all tropical regions of the world.

    The edible fruit grows on a small tree, and believe it or not; it’s considered a kind of berry. Papaya is traditionally served with breakfast or dessert and mostly in a fruit salad.

    8. Papeda

    There are two meanings to the term papeda. Firstly, papeda is an umbrella term for the citrus-like fruits in Asia, mainly in Indonesia and Malaysia. These slow-growing fruits have a lemon smell but are too bitter and sour to eat.

    More commonly, papeda refers to sago porridge that forms part of the traditional cuisine of Eastern Indonesia. It is made from sago flour (from the spongy inner part of palm stems) cooked with water until it turns into a homogenous, slimy mixture. Once cooked, it’s served with vegetables on the side or fish soup. There are special wooden sticks that indigenous people use to eat papeda.

    9. Paprika

    Paprika is a spice made from dried red peppers, which have been grounded. It can also include a variety of chili peppers. In some cultures, paprika refers to both the peppers and the spice itself.

    Paprika originated originally from Africa and Asia, but it moved to southern Europe in the 16th century, eventually being widely available throughout Europe a few generations later.

    10. Paratha

    Paratha is an Indian flatbread, similar to chapati. The dough is made with whole wheat flour, salt, water, and oil that can be roasted on a grill or in a broad pan. They can be eaten as is, as a side dish or stuffed with vegetables.

    11. Parmesan

    Parmesan is a hard Italian cheese named after the Parmigiano region in Italy.

    Parmesan is made of cow’s milk that has been aged for 12 months. Parmesan is originally from Parmigiano and called Parmigiano Reggiano. It can be quite expensive, so it is mainly sold in an imitation form.

    12. Parsley

    Parsley is a flowering herb spread around the globe. It originates in the Mediterranean region, but can be found in European, American, Middle Eastern, and Brazilian cuisine.

    Parsley is one of the most popular herbs and is added to many meals for taste and texture. It’s also used as a garnish on meats, salads and is added to appetizers.

    13. Parsnip

    Parsnips belong to the Apiaceae family of vegetables, which includes parsley. It’s also related to carrots, and the plant’s root is often eaten as a vegetable. You can use the leaves as a garnish.

    Parsnip is rich in vitamins C and K, folate, fibers, and minerals.

    14. Passion fruit

    Passion fruit, scientifically called Passiflora edulis, is a vine flower found in South America. The fruit is an edible berry.

    It’s used in salads, as whole fruit for eating, squeezed in juice, or as a decorating garnish. Its aroma adds flavor to ice-creams, sweets, or salads.

    Passion fruit is full of antioxidants that are great for your body’s overall health.

    15. Pasta

    Pasta is a broad term encompassing all wheat-based meals of an Italian origin. The dough can be used fresh or store-bought and then boiled and eaten with various vegetables, meats, sauces, and seasonings.

    There are around 350 different types of pasta, the most well-known of which are spaghetti, macaroni, ravioli, lasagna, and fusilli. Pasta has become a favorite dish eaten in almost every country.

    16. Pastry

    Pastry is a dough made with flour, water, eggs, milk, baking powder, butter, salt, and sugar. The dough can be filled with all kinds of other ingredients and baked or fried.

    The plural word “pastries” refers to a baked pastry that has been filled with something delectable. The filling can be both salty or sweet, making pastry the ready-to-go food for today’s busy schedule.

    17. Pasty (Cornish Pasties)

    A pasty is a British baked pastry, usually filled with meat and vegetables.

    Cornish Pasties are another traditional British food from Cornwall. Initially, filled with a beef skirt, potatoes, and onions, but today all kinds of fillings are used.

    18. Pâté

    A pâté is a paste made from ground meat. Pâté originates in France, made with liver, wine, and spices. Once cooked, it is served with or on bread pieces or crackers. Today, pâté is a common ingredient in many cuisines around the world, and there are vegetarian and vegan variations.

    19. Peach

    Peach is a fruit available globally, scientifically called Prunus persica. It originates in China, but it was primarily cultivated in Persia, thus the Latin name.

    Peaches contain high percentages of antioxidants, vitamin C, polyphenols, and carotenoids. Peaches can be mixed with yogurt, ice cream, cake, cereals, etc.

    20. Peanuts

    Peanuts are legumes with edible seeds. They are widely spread and used as appetizers, added to different dishes, and squeezed to produce peanut oil. They are also famously used in the form of peanut butter.

    Peanuts are rich in proteins, good fats, and fiber.

    21. Pear

    Pears are another sweet, fibrous fruit eaten globally. Today, there are more than 3000 varieties of pears cultivated and grown worldwide. The wood of the pear tree itself is used for making instruments and furniture.

    Pears are rich in vitamins C and K, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium. Pears have a lesser-known health benefit: they’re more nutritious than some apples.

    22. Peas

    Peas are green seed plants that are technically fruits since they contain seeds. But in cuisine, we refer to and use them as vegetables.

    Peas are a great source of plant proteins promoting heart, and digestive health. They are believed to help in reducing the chances of cancer. But, like all legumes, they might cause allergies in certain people.

    23. Pecans

    The pecan is a tree native to southern America. The seed from the tree is an edible nut used as a snack or appetizer. Pecans are also used in pies, cookies, and bread since they add flavor and texture. Pecan pie is famous in the USA because of the sweet karo syrup used with the pecans.

    Pecans can help with heart health and blood sugar control, improve brain function and provide the body with proteins, copper, zinc, magnesium, and iron.

    24. Pepper

    Peppers are vegetables from the Piperaceae family. They are widely cultivated and different kinds of peppers are grown in different parts of the world. They can come in different forms, such as whole, ground, and powdered. They can be sweet or spicy, making them a valuable part of every cuisine.

    25. Persimmon

    Persimmons are an edible fruit, mostly grown in eastern Asia. The Diospyros kaki tree, on which persimmons grow, is believed to be one of the earliest cultivated trees in the world.

    Persimmons are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and manganese. They contain antioxidants, help reduce inflammation, lower bad cholesterol, and improve eyesight.

    26. Pesto

    Pesto is a famous Italian sauce made of crushed garlic, nuts, salt, fresh basil leaves, and olive oil. Some traditional recipes all include hard cheese in the pesto sauce.

    Today, pesto sauce is popular because of its fresh smell and can be eaten with anything. Pesto sauce is mostly used with meats and pasta and sometimes even put on pizza.

    27. Pickle

    The term “pickling” is used for the process of preserving foods by immersing them in vinegar for fermentation. The small cucumbers that are suitable for pickling are called pickles.

    The pickling process is not new – people in ancient Mesopotamia first started the process of soaking cucumbers in acidic salty water. Pickles can be eaten with any meal or even as a snack.

    28. Pie

    A pie is a pastry dough which has been baked and filled with sweet or savory filling. The filling could be meat, vegetables, or fruits. Apple or pumpkin pie is renowned in the USA and is served for any occasion.

    29. Pilaf

    A Pilaf is a rice dish combined with meat or vegetables. Pilaf, as opposed to regular rice, is rice toasted in butter and cooked in broth with many spices. Traditionally, pilaf has pork and seafood in it.

    It is not known where Pilaf originated from, but during the Empire of Abbasid Caliphate, the dish made its way from Asia to the Middle East, North Africa, and the Mediterranean and Iberian peninsulas.

    30. Pineapple

    The Pineapple is the most famous tropical fruit, originating in South America. Its Latin name is Ananas comosus. When the pineapple first arrived in Europe, it became a symbol of luxury. Pineapples can be eaten fresh but also mixed with dishes.

    Pineapples are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, copper, thiamin, potassium, riboflavin, and others.

    31. Pink Grapefruit

    The pink grapefruit is a sub-tropical fruit in the citrus family. Its Latin name, interestingly enough, is Citrus x paradisi. It’s native to Barbados, but is cultivated and grown today in China, Vietnam, the United States, and Mexico.

    Aside from pink grapefruit, the most famous types are the red and white grapefruit. The general rule is that the darker red the skin of the grapefruit is, the sweeter it will taste.

    32. Pistachios

    Pistachios are seeds from the Pistachio tree, Pistacia vera. They are indigenous to Central Asia and the Middle East.

    Pistachios have a lot of minerals, fibers, proteins, and unsaturated fats. They also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making them the perfect, healthy snack.

    33. Pitta bread

    Pitta bread is a popular flatbread made with white flour, dried yeast, salt, and a little olive oil. Once baked, pitta bread is crispy and can be used instead of regular bread. They can also be dipped in different sauces or stuffed with meat and gravy.

    Pitta bread is high in fiber and proteins and contains B vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, and selenium.

    34. Pizza

    One of the most loved meals is pizza. Pizza is a baked dough topped with tomato sauce and cheese. It can also contain all kinds of vegetables, meats, or mushrooms.

    Originating from Italy, the concept of pizza is quite old. Today, pizza is served all over the world, while Italy is still considered the homeland of the best pizza.

    35. Ploughman’s Lunch

    Ploughman’s lunch is a British term for a popular cold meal consisting of bread, cheese, pâté, onions or other vegetables, pickles, butter, eggs, and meat.

    The term Ploughman originated from the farmers who plowed fields with horses. Today, it’s a popular appetizer dish for some restaurants because of its variety of foods on one plate

    36. Plums

    Plums are fruit that originated in Asia (China and Iran), but can now be found all over the world. Plums are thought to be the first fruits domesticated by man.

    Plums can be eaten fresh in fruit salads, added to homemade juices or smoothies, or made into sweet marmalade. When dried, they are called prunes and can be eaten as a snack, chopped up with breakfast cereals or yogurt, or in desserts.

    37. Poached Eggs

    Eggs are among the most popular British and American breakfast meals. To poach eggs, crack the egg into a pot of boiling water and cook them for a few minutes before serving. Cooked whites and creamy yolk are the outcomes of poaching an egg.

    Poached eggs can be a meal on their own but can also be used as garnish or side addition to different foods.

    38. Polenta

    Another Italian food, polenta is boiled cornmeal originally served as hot porridge. If it is left to cool and solidify, polenta can then be deep-fried, baked, or grilled.

    Polenta is usually served with cheese, sauces, or meat but can also be a meal on its own. Historically, polenta was known as little kids’ food.

    39. Pomegranate

    Pomegranate is a red fruit found in the Mediterranean region of Europe.

    On the inside, pomegranates have clusters of small seeds. Pomegranates are used as a garnish, as part of fruit salads, juices, or part of smoothies. The juice of pomegranates is sweet and dark red in color.

    Pomegranates are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B9, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and calcium.

    40. Pomelo

    Pomelos are relatives to the grapefruit family, kinds of citruses. They have a similar taste as grapefruits but are slightly sweeter. Pomelo is also lighter in color than a grapefruit and has a yellow or light green peel. They also are bigger and have a thicker rind.

    Pomelos are used for marmalade and other sweet spreads, added to fruit salads, squeezed into juice, or used to marinate meat.

    41. Popcorn

    Popcorn is a widely known and popular snack all over the world. It’s corn kernels that puff when heated. Popcorn was first used in the 19th century, and it originates in the United States.

    Traditionally, popcorn was salted, but now spices, honey or chocolate syrup and lots more are added to popcorn.

    42. Poppadom

    Poppadom, also known as papadum or appalm, is an Indian dough made of black gram bean flour. The dough is flattened and then deep-fried until crispy and crunchy.

    It’s pretty popular in Asia, but can be found in more cuisines, including the North American and the South American ones. Poppadoms are usually served as appetizers, dipped in sauces or spreads.

    43. Pork

    Pork is the culinary name used for meat from pigs that has been eaten for thousands of years. Numerous dishes are done with pork, depending on the region and its availability.

    Pork is rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins but also contains a lot of fats. Moderate consummation of pork is healthy, but excessive consumption might bring some health risks. Certain cultures and religions don’t consume pork.

    44. Potato

    Potatoes are starchy root vegetables indigenous to the Americas and domesticated thousands of years ago by Native Americans. Europe was introduced to potatoes in the 16th century.

    Its most famous use is for potato chips, salty snacks of sliced deep-fried potatoes and spices like paprika, sour cream, chili, etc. Numerous cuisines worldwide also have potato salad, made from boiled potatoes and vegetables. Today, almost all cuisines use potatoes as a side dish or garnish for meats.

    45. Powsowdie

    Powsowdie is a Scottish dish of soup or broth. It’s made from sheep’s head or trotters. Additional ingredients are vegetables like peas or barley.

    Today, Powsowdie is not often made, even though it is still considered a national dish of Scotland.

    46. Prawns

    Prawn is a common term used for small aquatic animals. In fact, prawns and shrimps are the same thing. The term “prawns” is more commonly used in the United Kingdom and Europe, while “shrimps” is used in the United States.

    Prawns are favored in numerous seafood dishes. They can be boiled or deep-fried, garnished with vegetables or creams, and eaten as a side or main dish.

    47. Pretzel

    Pretzels are German traditional baked bread with a distinctive knotted shape. Traditionally, they have salt on top of a crusty outer layer.

    Today, pretzel toppings are mustard, spices, cheese, cinnamon, or sugar.

    48. Profiteroles

    Profiteroles are French sweet pastries similar to cream puffs but filled with vanilla cream or ice-cream. The top of the profiterole is drizzled with chocolate.

    Since they are bite-sized, they are perfect as appetizers or with coffee or tea.

    49. Pulled pork

    Pork’s shoulder meat, also known as Boston butt, is considered the best meat for pulled pork, and it is slow-roasted or smoked.

    Once cooked and still piping hot, the pork is hand-pulled into small long bits and served in hamburgers, broth, or soup or garnished with vegetables as the main course.

    50. Pumpkin

    Pumpkins are a form of winter squash with orange color. Pumpkins are native to North America but are now eaten in most countries. Pumpkins are famously known as a trademark of the American holiday of Halloween.

    Pumpkins are used as sweeteners and ingredients for pies and cakes or even as an appetizer. Nowadays, pumpkin spices are quite popular and added to creams, soups, beverages, and ice creams.

    Pumpkins are rich in vitamins A and antioxidant, while low in calories.