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23 People Who Tried It — Really Tried It! — But Definitely Shouldn't Have

    Our culture is big on encouraging people to try things: “Give it a shot!” “Just try it!” But you know what? We need to cut that crap out. Because some people should NOT try it. Seriously.

    "I tried it!""I tried it!"


    To show you what I mean, here are 23 people who tried to do things they REALLY, REALLY shouldn't have done:

    1.This cop tried to go undercover… but it couldn't have been more obvious if he, ahem, tried:

    An undercover agentAn undercover agent

    2.And this police officer tried to find a suspect…but clearly missed the point:

    A man stands on a windowsillA man stands on a windowsill

    3.This sign programmer tried to use teenage slang… and failed in a shockingly embarrassing way:

    "it's still a challenge to brace yourself""it's still a challenge to brace yourself"

    4.This woman tried to sell her oils online…and got no interest at all:

    "No 100%""No 100%"

    5.And this guy tried to create a REALLY scary Halloween display… and took it way too far:

    Two officers look at what appears to be a bodyTwo officers look at what appears to be a body

    6.This person tried to make a baked potato… and ended up with a thermonuclear potato:

    A fireballA fireball

    7.This person tried to make a grilled cheese in an air fryer… and got this pillowy result:

    Pillow cheesePillow cheese

    8.And – oh my goodness – this person tried to make smiley cheese balls… and ended up with these disturbing horrors:

    Cheese coming out of smiling facesCheese coming out of smiling faces

    9.This truck driver tried to make a strong political statement… but ended up with this confusing mess (is it fuck Trump or fuck Biden? Trump 2024 or Biden 2024? Sheesh!):

    "Fuck Trump Biden 2024""Fuck Trump Biden 2024"

    10.And this guy also tried to make a political statement… but through this pathetic homemade shirt (note the “liars” too, LOL):

    A man with a piece of paper stuck to his shirtA man with a piece of paper stuck to his shirt

    11.This guy tried to embarrass this bird…then he realized the joke was at his expense:

    "I thought only the bag of chips was knitted""I thought only the bag of chips was knitted"

    12.This person tried to steal a joke… and was called out on it by none other than Sunny Delight:

    "At least give them credit if you're going to steal their joke""At least give them credit if you're going to steal their joke"

    13.And Mike tried to make fun of Bernie Sanders…but ended up wearing clown shoes:

    "This is how a birthday cake works when you have friends over.""This is how a birthday cake works when you have friends over."

    14.This town wanted its citizens to change the name of an elementary school…and really, they should have just renamed the school themselves:

    "Adolf Hitler School for Friendship and Tolerance""Adolf Hitler School for Friendship and Tolerance"

    15.And someone tried to make a can… and failed 100%:

    A can of Diet Coke turned wrong side upA can of Diet Coke turned wrong side up

    16.This teacher tried to grade a test… and proved that his student understands the subject better than he does:

    "This is NOT possible""This is NOT possible"

    17.And this student tried to write an introductory paragraph…and it's no exaggeration to say he brought shame on his entire family:

    A paper with red letters on itA paper with red letters on it

    18.This shoe store tried to pull a trick by raising the price during a so-called sale… but did it in the most clumsy way possible:


    19.This potential employee tried to get a job…with a not exactly extensive resume:

    "I receive these types of resumes all the time.""I receive these types of resumes all the time."

    20.And this anti-drug campaign from the 90s tried to scare kids away from drug use… while having the “cool to do drugs” slogan right in the middle of the campaign:

    "cool to use drugs""cool to use drugs"

    21.This person tried to shame a restaurant online… and then posted this embarrassing self-aggrandizement:

    "I would redo your calculation.""I would redo your calculation."

    22.This guy tried to seduce a girl with puns, but it clearly didn't work:

    "I just took a chance...""I just took a chance..."

    23.And this person tried to make a smoothie…and, well, it didn't quite work out:

    Smoothie on the walls and countertopSmoothie on the walls and countertop

    HT: r/therewasanattempt