January 13th is an important day for the crypto community and marks a new year and a fresh start. If you want to start investing in cryptocurrency again on January 13, there are three tokens that stand out as great investments right now. Those tokens are BETU (BET), FUN (FUN), and XED (XED).
On the previous day, BETU’s trading volume was up 33%.
Given the huge growth potential, FUNToken is now trading at a reasonable price.
The previous day, XED’s value grew 9%.
The BETU cryptocurrency token powers Betu Verse, a virtual reality platform where users can participate in interactive games and activities in the authorized metaverse hotel and casino.
The FUNToken is a tool specially made for the online gaming and gambling sector that uses the very latest technology and the Ethereum blockchain. This makes the FUN token an effective tool for gamers.
Players of different skill levels can monetize their talents on the blockchain-based competition platform Exeedme. The cryptocurrency that powers this network is called XED and users can access unique NFT rewards by participating and earn XED in return.
Should I buy Betu? (BETU)
Betu (BETU) was worth On January 13, Betu (BETU) was worth $0.1711..1711 on January 13.
We will compare this value point with the all-time high value point of the DG token, as well as its performance over the course of the previous month to get a better understanding of what exactly this value point means for the DG token.
On November 11, the Betu (BETU) coin surpassed its ATH value point and reached a price of $0.353399. Here we can see that the token was up $0.182299 in value, or by 106% at the ATH value point..353399. As we can see, the token was worth it. The ATH value point of the Betu (BETU) token was on November 11, when the token reached a value of $0.353399. Here we can see that the token was up $0.182299 in value, or by 106% on the ATH value point. 182299 more, or 106% more, on the ATH value point.
With a value of December 15, the BETU token had its lowest value point of the month, with a value of $0.09124..09124 on December 15, the BETU token had its lowest value point of the month.
But on December 31, when it was at its highest value, it was December 31, when it hit $0.1786 in value. This means that the token increased in value by $0.08736 or 95%..1786, it was at its most valuable. However, this indicates that its high point was on December 31, when it reached as low as $0.1786. This means that the token has increased in value by $0.08736 or by 95%..08736 or 95% in value of the token.
In light of this, BETU is a wise investment as it can hit. With this in mind, BETU is a solid buy as it could hit $0.25 at the end of January, by the end of January 25.
Should you buy FUNToken (FUN)?
FUNToken (FUN) was worth On January 13, FUNToken (FUN) was worth $0.01119..01119 on January 13.
We will compare the current value of the FUN token with both its all-time high and its performance in December to determine what this value point represents for the FUN token.
The ATH value of the FUN token was reached on January 8, 2018, when the price was still the same. The ATH value of the FUN token was on January 8, 2018, when the value reached $0.191066. This means that at the ATH value point, the token was $0.179876 higher in value or by 1607%..191066. This indicates that the token had an ATH value point from the FUN token on January 8, 2018, when it reached $0.191066 in value. This means that the token at the ATH value point was $0.179876 higher in value or by 1607%..179876 in value, or an increase of 1607 percent, at the ATH value point.
When analyzing the performance of the FUN token in December, we see that the value of the FN token peaked on December 1. When we review the performance of the FUN token in December, on December 1, the FN had token the highest value of the month at $0.02033 ..02033.
However, on December 20, when the value of the token fell to its lowest value, however, it was on December 20, when the token reached a value of $0.009829. This marked a drop in value of $0.010501 or 51%..009829, which marked the lowest value point for the token that day. However, this meant a loss from its lowest point was on December 20, when the token reached a value of $0.009829. This represented a drop in value of $0.010501 or 51%..010501, or 51%, in value.
In light of this, FUN is likely to be a hit. With this in mind, we can expect FUN to hit $0.02 by the end of January, making it a solid buy…02 for the end of January, making it a wise investment.
Exeedme (XED): Is it worth buying?
Exeedme (XED) was worth On January 13, Exeedme (XED) was worth $0.5415..5415 on January 13.
We will discuss the ATH value point of the XED token as well as its performance over the past month to estimate what this value point means for the token.
The value of the XED token peaked on March 17, 2021 at a value of $1.99, which was its all-time high. We can see that the token was worth $1,4485 more, or 267 percent more, at the ATH value point.
When assessing the performance of the token in December, the highest point in value for the token occurred on December 3 with a price of . the highest point of value..7518.
However, as of December 30, XED experienced its lowest point with a value of $0.3523. This gives us an indication that the token has fallen in value by 53% or by $0.3995..3523 on December 30, XED hit its lowest point. This tells us that the value of the token decreased by . However, on December 30, XED hit its lowest point at $0.3523. This gives us an indication that the token has decreased in value by 53% or $0.3995..3995 or 53% over time.
With this in mind, the XED token at $0.5415 is a worthwhile purchase as it has the potential to reach $0.6 by the end of January. Keeping this in mind, at $0.5415, the XED token is a worthwhile purchase as it has the potential to reach $0.6 by the end of January. 5415, is a good investment.