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Matt Gaetz gets a humiliating reality check on his face on live local TV

    Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) on Friday reiterated former President Donald Trump’s lie ahead of the 2020 election on live television and received a brief, sharp fact-check in response.

    During an interview with anchor Bob Solarski on Northwest Florida’s ABC-affiliated WEAR-TV, Gaetz echoed Trump’s baseless claims about stolen votes and electoral corruption with his statement that Trump was the actual victor over Democratic rival Joe Biden.

    “So you still insist the 2020 election was stolen? Are we going to continue with that?” Solarski asked Gaetz.

    “Listen, I believe Donald Trump won the 2020 election. I believe he won the electoral college,” Gaetz replied, although Trump clearly won neither the popular vote nor the electoral college.

    Solarski countered, “You can’t say without saying there was a massive conspiracy in this country and the regulators and election offices to make this happen and we still haven’t seen any evidence to prove that.”

    Gaetz, who is reportedly currently the subject of a federal investigation, responded with a disjointed response about judges not having “the courage” to face legal challenges against the outcome.

    Watch the video here:

    This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
